Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar :

Organisation : Tripura Directorate of Social Welfare and Social Education
Scheme Name : Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar
Applicable For : Pregnant Woman
Applicable State/UT : Tripura
Website :

What is Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar?

The scheme “Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar” was launched by the Directorate of Social Welfare and Social Education, Government of Tripura, to provide financial assistance of ₹500/- to pregnant women through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for antenatal checkups at any health facility.

Related / Similar Scheme : Tripura 60% & Above Disability Allowance

Benefits of Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar

₹500/- is transferred into the bank account through DBT, after each antenatal check-up, up to four times.

Eligibility of Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar

** The applicant should be a pregnant woman.
** The applicant should have undertaken antenatal check-ups at any health facility.

How To Apply For Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar?

To apply for Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar, Follow the below steps

Step 1: Visit the nearest Anganwadi Center.
Step 2: Submit the application on plain paper along with copies of the mandatory documents (self-attest, if required) to the Anganwadi Worker or the concerned authority for enrollment/registration into the scheme.
Step 3: Request a receipt or acknowledgement from the concerned authority to whom the application has been submitted. Ensure that the receipt contains essential details such as the date and time of submission, and a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required For Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar

** Health Card, issued by the health facility, mentioning the date of antenatal check-up.
** Bank Passbook.
** Address Proof.

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FAQ On Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Tripura Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar

What is the purpose of the “Mukhyamantri Matrupushti Uphar” scheme?
₹500/- is provided to pregnant women for antenatal check-ups through DBT.

Who is eligible to apply for the scheme?
Pregnant women who have undergone antenatal check-ups at any health facility.

How many times can a pregnant woman receive ₹500/- under this scheme?
A maximum of four times after each antenatal check-up.

What documents are required for application submission?
A Health Card, Bank Passbook, and Address Proof.

Is self-attestation of documents required for application submission?
Yes, self-attestation may be required for mandatory documents.

Can the financial assistance be availed retroactively for past check-ups?
No, the assistance is provided after each antenatal check-up and is not retroactive.

What information should be included in the receipt obtained during application submission?
The receipt should mention the date, time of submission, and a unique identification number if applicable.

How is the financial assistance transferred to beneficiaries?
₹500/- is transferred through DBT to the bank account after each antenatal check-up.

What are the essential steps for enrollment into the scheme?
Visit the nearest Anganwadi Center, submit the application with required documents, and obtain a receipt.

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