Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa (ASSP) :

Organisation : Directorate of Labour
Scheme Name : Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa (ASSP)
Applicable For : Unorganized Workers
Applicable State/UT : Tripura
Website :

What is Tripura Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa?

The Government of Tripura has introduced a scheme called Asanghatita Sramik Sahayika Prakalpa (ASSP) to provide support to unorganized workers in the state. This scheme has been in operation since 2003 and has enrolled 1,09,534 workers from 19 unorganized sectors and 17 self-employment occupations until September 2019. The scheme is aimed at helping wage-employed and self-employed workers between the ages of 21 and 60 years who work in unorganized sectors and have an average family income of not more than Rs. 10,000 per month.

Related / Similar Scheme : Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentive

Benefits of Tripura Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa

** Financial security: The scheme provides financial security for unorganized workers in Tripura, who may not have access to other financial safety nets.
** Low contribution amount: The monthly contribution of Rs. 50 is a nominal amount that is affordable for most workers in unorganized sectors.
** Matching contributions from the government: The State Government matches the contribution made by the worker, doubling the benefit amount.
** Interest on contributions: The contributions made by the workers earn interest, further increasing the amount that they will receive on maturity.
** Age-based maturity: The scheme provides a maturity benefit to workers when they reach the age of 60 years, providing a retirement benefit for workers.
** Disability and death benefit: In the event of permanent total disability or death due to an accident, the account holder or their nominee will receive the maturity benefit, providing a safety net for the worker’s family.
** Easy enrollment process: The enrollment process for the scheme is straightforward, making it accessible to a large number of workers.
** Incentivizes timely contributions: The scheme incentivizes timely contributions by providing a lock-in period of three years and returning the contributions to workers who default for prolonged periods, encouraging them to make regular contributions to the scheme.

Eligibility of Tripura Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa

** All wage-employed and self-employed workers between the age of 21 and 60 years in the unorganized sectors in the state of Tripura and having an average family income of not more than Rs. 10,000/- per month, are eligible to be covered under the scheme.
** Initially, one person in a family will be eligible to get benefits under the scheme.
** The eligibility ceiling of family income may be re-fixed by the State Government from time to time.
** The family for the purpose of the scheme will include the beneficiary, the spouse, the wholly dependent daughters, wholly dependent minor sons and wholly dependent parents.
** The period for the calculation of average family income will be 12 months prior to the month in which the application is made.
** The major source of income of the beneficiary and the income of his family members taken together should be from their work as wage-employed or self-employed workers in one or more employments or occupations (as notified from time to time under the scheme).
** Workers covered under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 will not be eligible to be covered under the scheme.

How To Apply For Tripura Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa?

To apply for Tripura Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa, Follow the below steps

Step-1: Obtain Application Form
Obtain Form I (Annexed to this Scheme) from the concerned Block Development Officer of the Block/Executive Officer of Nagar Panchayet/Chief Executive Officer of Municipal Council/Commissioner of Agartala Municipal Corporation (as the case may be). The cost of the application form is Rs. 1.

Step-2: Complete the Application Form
Complete the application form by providing all required information, including personal details, family details, and employment details. Affix one of the three recent passport-size photographs on the application form.

Step-3: Obtain Required Certificates
Obtain a certificate issued by the concerned Pradhan of the Gram Panchayet/Chief Executive Officer of Municipal Council, Mayor/Deputy Mayor of the Agartala Municipal Corporation or by a Member of the Panchayet Samity/1TAADC/Zilla Parishad or the Employer of the Industry in which the workman is employed. The same person certifying the eligibility of the applicant will attest to the photograph attached to the application on the front.

Step-4: Submit Application Form
Submit the completed application form along with the required certificates and two additional passport-size photographs to the concerned Block Development Officer of the Block/Executive Officer of Nagar Panchayet/Chief Executive Officer of Municipal Council/Commissioner of Agartala Municipal Corporation (as the case may be).

Step-5: Wait for Enrollment
Wait for enrollment under the scheme.

Documents Required For Asangathita Shramik Sahayika Prakalpa

** Form-I (Annexed to the scheme)
** Three recent passport size photographs, out of which one should be affixed on the application form
** A certificate issued by the concerned Pradhan of the Gram Panchayet/Chief Executive Officer of Municipal Council, Mayor/Deputy Mayor of the Agartala Municipal Corporation or by a Member of the Panchayet Samity/1TAADC/Zilla Parishad or the Employer of the Industry in which the workman is employed
** The certificate should attest to the eligibility of the applicant for enrolment under the scheme.
** The same person who certifies the eligibility of the applicant will attest the photograph attached to the application on the front.

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