Organisation : Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Facility Name : Certificate of Origin
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website :
Apply Here :
What is Certificate of Origin?
Certificates of Origin certifies that goods in a shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured, or processed in a particular country. Local chambers have the unique position to operate as the natural and trusted agent in issuing CoOs, which can issue two types:
Preferential :
Derived from reciprocal Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) or non-reciprocal Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs), they grant preferential/duty-free treatment to qualifying goods.
The rules of origin are negotiated as part of an FTA and are different under each FTA. A tariff preference will only be granted by the importing country only if below mentioned all requirements are met: –
i. Meet the minimum Rules of Origin set under each specific trade agreement.
ii. Provide a certificate of origin (or statement) in specific formats prescribed under each trade preference.
iii. Transport directly (or “consign”) to their destination market or demonstrate that they have not been altered during transit.
Non-Preferential :
Derived from the trade partner Country’s national legislation and is used to implement trade remedies and other trade restrictions when MFN duties are applied. Non-Preferential CoOs do not provide any tariff preference.
How To Apply For Certificate of Origin?
To Apply For Certificate of Origin, Follow the below steps
Registration/ Login of Exporters:
Step 1: Open the Trade Connect Website
Step 2: Click on Register Button (For First Time User – Not Yet registered on either Trade Connect Portal or DGFT Customer Portal)
Step 3: User Registration Tab opens→ Select Register user as “Importer/Exporter” and fill in all the basic details.
Step 4: After Submitting the details, user will receive the OTP for registration, then the user will get credentials in their registered mail ID using which user logins to the website. After successful login users will have to change password and login again.
1. Exporters/ Importers already registered on the DGFT Customer Portal i.e., can utilize same email id and password to login on the Trade Connect Portal.
2. Ensure IEC has been linked to the logged In Email Id on DGFT Customer Portal to ensure filling of an application for Certificate of Origin.
Registration of Digital Token/ Aadhar:
Step 1: Once Exporter/ Importer Logged In on the portal, click on “My Dashboard” > “View and Register Digital Signature Token”
Step 2: Click on “Register New DSC” or “Register for Aadhaar E-sign” for utilizing the same during submission of an application.
Apply Certificate of Origin:
Step 1: Click on “Apply certificate of Origin”, for creation of draft for file submission.
a. For Creation of fresh/new draft, click on “Start Fresh Application”.
b. To proceed with the existing draft, select the draft and click on “Proceed with Existing Application”.
Step 2: filling an application form Tab wise
1. Tab 1 – Basic Details:
a. Pre-populated IEC details will be visible, Firm need to select the IEC Branch for which they need to file an application.
b. Users have the option to opt for Delivery of the certificate at their premises if required. (Charges will be added accordingly to the Invoice).
c. Click on Disclaimer to proceed.
d. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
2. Tab 2 – Certificate Details:
a. Select Type of certificate, Agreement details to proceed.
b. Depending upon the selection of Agreement, list will be populated in Issuing Agencies Tab.
c. Please select the agency and its respective office for submission of an application.
d. Enter Importer Name, Address and Country. (Details entered in these fields will be visible in the Certificate of Origin).
e. Details to be added as per the fields. (Invoice Number and Date will be unique for an IEC holder within same Financial Year, Same will be visible in the Certificate of Origin)
f. In the case of Third Country Invoicing Details, Same can be entered.
g. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
3. Tab 3 – Export Details:
a. Add Export details as per the available fields. (Same Fields will be visible in the Certificate of Origin)
b. Sum of Items value should be same as of Invoice Value.
c. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
4. Tab 4 – Import Details:
a. Input Raw Material for respective Export Item is non mandatory for Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin.
b. To enter preference criteria for each export item, please click on the edit button for each item and select preference criteria as “India” from drop down. (For Non-Preferential cases, “India Origin” will be shown in the Certificate of Origin)
c. Preference Criterion Value can be added as ‘0’
d. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
5. Tab 5 – Shipment Details:
a. Enter Mode of Transport, Shipment Document Details.
b. Ensure Same Port of Shipment and Port of Discharge shall be visible in Route.
c. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
6. Tab 6 – Attachments:
a. Attach Copy of Invoice (Mandatory)
b. Attach Other documents, if required.
c. Select Attachment Type, file from the folders, check “Attest” Checkbox if document required to be attested by the Officer”
d. Click on “Upload Attachment”.
e. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
7. Tab 7 – Declaration:
a. Enter declaration details as per the form.
b. Click on Save & Next to move to the next Tab.
8. Tab 8 – Application Summary:
a. Click on “Sign” button to digitally sign the application using registered Aadhar or DSC.
b. Once Sign on application completes, “Payment” button will be visible. Click on the same to proceed with the payment on the Gateway. Once the payment completed, Invoice will be downloaded at Exporter end and file number will be generated and submitted to respective agency office.
Submitted Applications:
To Track Submitted applications, click on My Dashboard >> Submitted Applications
A. Select Scheme and Sub Scheme to view the list of Submitted Applications.
B. On click of Action button available against each file, user will be able to download/ view, application summary, invoice, attached documents, approved certificate copy, attested documents etc.
View Certificate of Origin:
Click on tile to view the list of Issued Certificate of Origin and download the certificate Copy.
CoO Helpdesk Service
Helpdesk Email: – CoO-dgft [at]
Helpdesk Number: – 011-23061495/011-23061499 (Monday to Friday)