e-Anudaan Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) : grants-msje.gov.in

Organisation : e-Anudaan Department of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scheme Name : Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY)
Applicable For : Senior Citizens
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://grants-msje.gov.in/ngo-login

What is Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana?

The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment is implementing Integrated Programme for Senior Citizens(IPSrC), a component of the scheme of Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana(AVYAY), under which grant-in-aid is provided to Non-Governmental/Voluntary Organizations for running and maintenance of Senior Citizens’ Homes, Continuous Care Homes, etc., for providing facilities, like, shelter, nutrition, medicare and entertainments free of cost to indigent senior citizens. Under IPSrC, there is no provision for construction/building of Senior Citizens’ Homes.

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Objectives of Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana

Development objectives of the NAPSrC are to work on the following components to fulfil the vision and mission of the scheme:
1) Financial Security
2) Health Care and Nutrition
3) Shelter and Welfare
4) Protection of life and property of Senior Citizens
5) Active and Productive Ageing with Intergenerational Bonding and Skill Development
6) Accessibility, transport and Age friendly environment
7) Awareness Generation and Capacity Building
8) Promoting Silver Economy: senior friendly industrial goods and services in the society
9) Research and Study
10) Project Management

Scope of Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana

Scope of the scheme is to implement Section 19 and 20 of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007. Section 19 of the Act inter alia states that the State Government may establish and maintain such number of old age homes at accessible places, as it may deem necessary, in a phased manner, beginning with at least one in each district to accommodate in such homes a minimum of one hundred fifty senior citizens who are indigent.

The State Government may, prescribe a scheme for management of old age homes, including the standards and various types of services to be provided by them which are necessary for medical care and means of entertainment to the inhabitants of such homes

How To Apply For Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana?

a) The Ministry has introduced a computerized system for on-line submission and processing of all applications. The E-anudaan-portal of this Ministry is available at www.grants-msje.gov.in.

b) All the applications shall be processed online, where the District Collector (or his representative) shall authenticate all certificates submitted by the applicant.

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c) All the applicants under various schemes may be got registered on the NGO Darpan portal of NITI Ayog.

Fresh /New proposals for the Grants:
(i) All fresh/new proposals for sanction of projects under the Scheme shall be submitted online on the E-anudaan portal of this Ministry (http://www.grants- msje.gov.in/) in the prescribed proforma along with relevant documents within the timeline as prescribed by the Department from time to time.

(ii) As soon as the proposal is uploaded on E-anudaan portal, it would be available at Central Ministry level as well as at District Administration / State Government level for examining the proposals at their level. District Administration/State Government shall recommend such New/Fresh proposal along-with Inspection reports by 15th June each year, or within the timeline as prescribed by the Department from time to time..

(iii) All New/Fresh proposals received on E-anudaan portal within the stipulated time line, shall ONLY be considered by the Committee constituted for this purpose in the Ministry.

(iv) Meeting of the Screening committee shall be held by 20th June each year, or within the timeline as prescribed by the Department from time to time.

(v) The new proposals received will be assessed and recommended on based on the funds availability.

(vi) After approval of recommendations of the Screening Committee and concurrence of the Finance Division, sanction orders shall be issued by the programme division in one-lot, by 25th June each year and grants should be released before 30th June, or within the timeline as prescribed by the Department from time to time.

(vii) Total annual grant shall be released in two equal half yearly instalments within the specified time limit (July and December). Second instalment shall be released after receipt of report of the PMU/other agencies entrusted with that task by 31st December, or within the timeline as prescribed by the Department from time to time.

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