DOSJE PMAJAY Construction of Hostels for OBC Boys & Girls Scheme

Organisation : Department of Social Justice & Empowerment (DOSJE)
Scheme Name : Construction of Hostels for OBC Boys & Girls Scheme
Applicable For : Students belonging to socially and educationally backward classes
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://pmajay.dosje.gov.in/

What is DOSJE OBC Construction of Hostels Scheme?

The Construction of Hostels for OBC Boys & Girls Scheme aims at providing hostel facilities to students belonging to socially and educationally backward classes, especially from rural areas, to enable them to pursue secondary and higher education. Priority will be given for the proposals for construction of hostels for under-graduate students vis-a-vis below under-graduate level. There will be 90% central assistance to State Governments in case of Girls Hostels and 10% of cost will be borne by the State Governments.

Related / Similar Scheme : e-Anudaan MSJE Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY)

Cost Norms of DOSJE OBC Construction of Hostels Scheme

The cost norms under the scheme are:
** North Eastern Region – Rs.3.50 lakh per seat
** Himalayan Regions – Rs.3.25 lakh per seat
** Rest of country – Rs.3.00 lakh per seat

or as per the schedule of the rates for the concerned State Government, whichever is lower. There will also be a one-time non-recurring grant of Rs.2500/- per seat for providing furniture/equipment to the hostels constructed under the Scheme.

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** The cost of construction of hostels for Boys has to be shared between the Centre and the State in 60:40 ratio.
** In case of Union Territories, the Central Assistance shall be 100% and for North Eastern States and 3 Himalayan States (Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand), it shall be 90%.
** For Central Universities/Institutes, the share will be 90% by Government of India and 10% by the Central University/Institute for both Boys and Girls Hostels.
** The construction work of the Hostel has to be completed within eighteen months from award of work order or two years from the release of 1st installment of Central assistance, whichever is earlier.
** In no case the time will be extended beyond 2 years. Any cost escalation due to delay in project will be borne by the State/Institute.
** Proposals for 2nd installment must be received in this Ministry within one year from the date of release of 1st installment after completing construction work up to roof level.
** Proposals for integrated hostel in which required number of seats for OBCs are reserved shall ordinarily be considered under the scheme.
** The necessity to acquire land will not be there. Hostel construction work can also be done in the ongoing State Government projects of institutions, medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics, etc.
** The amount of grant will be released in 3 installments in 50:45:5 ratio, of which 5% grant will be released after completion of the work and occupation of the rooms by the OBC Boys and Girls.
** There will be a one-time non-recurring grant of Rs.2500/- per seat for providing furniture/equipment to the hostels constructed under the Scheme.
** All the State Governments can also send proposals for purchase of furniture/equipment under this Scheme, for their own Hostels (built through the State Government’s funds) for which an amount of Rs.2,500/- per seat for 100 seats only will be granted only once for a newly constructed Hostel, subject to availability of funds.
** The implementing agencies shall submit “occupation of rooms by OBC Boys/Girls” status, apart from UC and completion report, in respect of each completed Hostel every year and then only the next grant will be released

Eligibility Criteria To Be Admitted To Hostels Under The Scheme

Students fulfilling the following eligibility criteria may be allotted seats in Hostels constructed under the Scheme:-
(i) Students whose castes are included in the Central/State/UT list of Other Backward Classes and who do not belong to the “creamy layer”.
(ii) Hostels would be essentially for post matric students. However, if there are vacant seats, pre-matric students especially of the secondary level, would also be eligible to be accommodated.
(iii) Other things, being equal preference will be given to OBC students hailing from low income families.
(iv) At least 5% of the total seats should be reserved for students with disabilities.

Funding Pattern of DOSJE OBC Construction of Hostels Scheme

The funding pattern as per the guidelines are:
** The cost of construction for Boys hostels is shared between the Centre and the State in 60:40 ratio. For the Girls hostels the ration is 90:10.
** In case of Union Territories, the Central Assistance is 100% and for North Eastern States, it is 90%.
** For Central Universities/Institutes, the Central Government share is 90 % and the remaining 10 % is borne by the Central University/Institute for both Boys and Girls.
** The amount of grant will be released in 3 installments in 50:45:5 ratio, of which 5% grant will be released after completion of the work and occupation of the rooms by the OBC Boys and Girls.

The construction work of the Hostel has to be completed within eighteen months from award of work order or two years from the release of Central assistance, whichever is earlier. In no case the time will be extended beyond 2 years. Any cost escalation due to delay in project will be borne by the State/Institute.

Categories: Scheme
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