SCDCs Scheme of Assistance to Scheduled Castes Development Corporations

Organisation : Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Scheme Name : Scheme of Assistance to Scheduled Castes Development Corporations (SCDCs)
Applicable For : State Channelizing Agencies
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://socialjustice.gov.in/schemes/36

What is Scheme of Assistance to SCDCs?

SCDCs are the State level Scheduled Castes Development Corporations, which are nodal agencies in the States. SCDCs extend loans, provide subsidy and training to the identified Scheduled Caste persons for undertaking projects for self employment. Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Assistance to Scheduled Castes Development Corporations, Government of India participates in the equity share capital of the SCDCs in the ratio of 49:51, 49% being Central equity and 51% that of the concerned State Govt.

Related / Similar Scheme : DOSJE National Action For Mechanised Sanitation Ecosystem (NAMASTE)

Pattern of Scheme of Assistance to SCDCs

The existing pattern of the Scheme is as follows:
(i) The Government of India and State Government have been participating in the share capital of the State Scheduled Castes Development Corporations in the ration of 49:51.
(ii) The cost norms of the projects/schemes have been left to the State Government and SCDCs.
(iii) The Central share of equity capital is sent directly to the State SCDCs. Wherever necessary, the Ministry might route the funds through the National Scheduled Cates and Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporations (NSFDC).
(iv) The quantum and ceiling of subsidy in the same as for the schemes in IRDP; and
(v) There are two nominees on the Board of Management of the State SCDCs-one form the NSFDC and the other from Government of India. The nominees, as far as possible, are to be professional and not necessarily the officers of either the Central Government or of NSFDC.

Objectives of Scheme of Assistance to SCDCs

The objectives are:
(1) Identification of eligible SC families and motivating them to undertake economic development schemes.
(2) Sponsoring those schemes to financial institutions for credit support.
(3) Providing financial assistance in form of margin money on low rate of interest and subsidy in order to reduce their repayment liability; and
(4) Providing necessary link/tie up with other poverty alleviation programme.

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FAQ On Scheme of Assistance to SCDCs

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Scheme of Assistance to SCDCs

Who are the target groups of SCDCs?
SCDCs work for economic development of Scheduled Castes and Safai Karamcharis. Some SCDCs also work for other target groups like Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, Minorities, Handicapped persons etc.

What are the schemes of SCDCs?
SCDCs offer loan, subsidy, training etc. for the self employment projects.

What are the trades/projects for which one can avail benefit of SCDC schemes?
Applicant can select any economically viable scheme/project for self employment as per his qualification, experience and taste.

How can I get benefit of the schemes of SCDCs?
For availing the benefit of the schemes of SCDCs one should contact the nearest office of the SCDC of the concerned States. SCDCs generally have theirs offices in each district of their States. From there, information about the schemes being offered by the SCDCs can be obtained and application for the desired schemes may be submitted alongwith the details/documents sought in the application form.

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