Organisation : Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (DOSJE)
Scheme Name : Scheme for Economic Empowerment of DNTs (SEED)
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website :
What is DOSJE SEED Scheme?
The Department of Social Justice has formulated a Scheme namely, Scheme for Economic Empowerment of DNTs (SEED) for the Development and Welfare of DNT/NT/SNT. The Hon’ble Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment launched the Scheme on 16th February 2022.
Related / Similar Scheme : PM Special Training of Geriatric Care Givers
Objectives of DOSJE SEED Scheme
The objectives of the Scheme are as follows:-
** To provide coaching of good quality for DNT candidates to enable them to appear in competitive examinations.
** To provide health insurance to DNT Communities.
** To facilitate livelihoods initiative at community level to build and strengthen small clusters of DNT/NT/SNT Communities institutions.
** To provide financial assistance for construction of houses to members of the DNT Communities.
General Principles of DOSJE SEED Scheme
** The scheme will be implemented by the Board. However, the Board will seek concurrence of the IFD through the Programme Division of MoSJE for any releases under the scheme.
** The beneficiaries under the scheme will be identified by the State Government/UTs who shall issue necessary certificate for availing the benefits.
** Wherever, advances are required to be given under the scheme, it will be released into installments. However, if it is, on reimbursement basis, full amount will be released consequent upon production of documents as prescribed under the rules.
** In order to ensure complete tracking of funds upto “last Mile”, all grantee organization will use PFMS portal ensuring EAT/REAT module. Disbursement of funds will be through Aadhaar Enabled Payment System.
** All the grantee organizations will be required submit Utilization Certificate in the prescribed format under GFR 2017.
** Further, as per the provisions of rule 230 (8) of GFR 2017, all interest or other earning against grant in aid or advances released to any grantee institution should be mandatorily remitted to the Consolidated Fund of India immediately after finalization of accounts.
Target Group & Implementation of DOSJE SEED Scheme
** The DNT Communities having total family income from all sources of Rs.2.50 lakh or less per annum and not availing any such benefits from similar Scheme of Centre Government or the State Government will be eligible for benefits under the Scheme.
** The Development and Welfare Board for De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Communities (DWBDNC) will overall coordinate with the agencies such as State Governments/UTs, NRLM, National Health Authority etc. for its implementation.
** The implementation of the scheme will be done through established implementation systems like Free Coaching system, IAY for housing programme, National Health Authority for health insurance, NRLM for livelihood activities.
** Contractual/outsource personnel such as Young Professionals, Consultants and Sr. Consultants would be required for monitoring and co-ordination activities at various levels.
** Expenditure will be met from the admissible administrative expenses of the scheme which would be around 1% of the total financial outlay of the scheme.
Educational Empowerment:
Education is the most important lever for social, economic and political transformation. Education is a potent tool for socio- economic mobility and a key instrument for building an equitable and just society. It provides skills and competencies for economic well- being. A well-educated population, equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitudes and skills is essential for economic and social development in the twenty-first century.