PM Special Training of Geriatric Care Givers : socialjustice.gov.in

Organisation : Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJ&E)
Scheme Name : PM Special Training of Geriatric Care Givers
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://socialjustice.gov.in/schemes/111

What is PM Special Training of Geriatric Care Givers?

The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E) is committed to the welfare of Senior Citizens. There has been a steady rise in the population of senior citizens in India. The main focus of the programme is to bridge the gap in supply and increasing demand in the field of geriatric caregivers so as to provide more professional services to the senior citizens and also to create a cadre of professional care givers in the field of geriatrics.

Related / Similar Scheme : DOSJE SEED Scheme for Economic Empowerment of DNTs

Objective of PM Special Training of Geriatric Care Givers

The main objective of the scheme is to bridge the gap in supply and increasing demand in the field of geriatric caregivers so as to provide more professional services to the senior citizens and also to create a cadre of professional caregivers in the field of geriatric.

The programme will ensure sufficient availability of dedicated, professionally trained manpower of geriatric caregivers who can attend to diverse and dynamic needs of elderly population relating to recreation, holistic well-being 1 through Naturopathy, alternative medical practices including Ayurveda,Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, physiotherapy, normal and emergent and crisis related medical conditions including Dementia, Paralysis, Prostate, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Depression, religious and spiritual handholding, overall management of patients and families dealing with terminal illness and death etc.

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Eligibility of PM Special Training of Geriatric Care Givers

The scheme is applicable to all citizens of India who fulfills the following conditions:
(i) Minimum age as specified in the respective job role but must be less than 40 years of age;
(ii) Minimum education qualification as per required job roles;
(iii) Should have a valid Aadhar card;
(iv) Should not be indulged in any substance abuse;
(v) Should have documentary proof of age, education and residence;

The eligible candidates will be required to register on Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH). Profile verification shall be done through mobile-based OTP (e-KYC).

Payment To Training Providers

Training Provider will be paid 50% of the applicable base hour cost per candidate as determined under PMKVY 4.0 scheme of MSDE for successfully organizing the OJT.

The Training Provider shall be responsible for the following:
(a) Identifying establishments willing to offer OJT.
(b) Upload details of establishment on the SIDH prior to OJT.
(c) Make necessary arrangements for candidates to undertake OJT.
(d) Undertake monitoring and ensure attendance of candidates during OJT.
(e) There will be no separate assessment of OJT. Candidate completion of OJT as per the scheme guidelines.

Categories: Scheme
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