Chandigarh Transport : Calculate Vehicle Tax & Fees

Organization : Chandigarh Transport
Facility : Calculate Vehicle Tax & Fees

Home Page :http://chdtransport.gov.in/
Calculate here :http://chdtransport.gov.in/calculate-your-vehicle-tax-fees

Calculator :
** Fee & Road Tax for Registration of new Vehicle
** Fee & Road Tax for the Renewal of Non-Transport Vehicle
** Fee & Road Tax for the Transfer of Vehicle from other State
** Fee & Road Tax for the Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle

Fee & Road Tax for Registration of new Vehicle :
Amount Calculator
** Select Vehicle Rs : 0.00
** Hypothecation Fees Rs : 0.00
** Smartcard Fee Rs : 200.00
** Enter Amount excluding VAT

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Note :
** LMV Vehicle’s are Considered as Four Wheelers.
** Fine/ Penalty amount will be charged separately as per case, if any.

Tax slabs for Registration of New Vehicles :
As per the notification No.1709-H-III(7)-20 13/5832, dated 1st April, 2013 of Transport Department, Chandigarh Administration, lump sum tax shall be levied on the following categories of Motor Vehicles, which excludes VAT and other taxes at the time of Registration of New Vehicles.

Tax slabs for Registration of Other State Vehicles :
As per the notification No.2/7/96-H-III(7)-2014/17385, dated 12th September, 2014 of Transport Department, Chandigarh Administration, lump sum tax shall be levied on the following categories of Motor Vehicles, which excludes VAT and other taxes at the time of Registration of vehicles transferred from other States.

About Us :
The Transport Department, Chandigarh Administration is entrusted with the responsibility of providing an efficient public transportation system, control of vehicular pollution, registration of vehicles, issuance of Driving licences, issuance of various permits, collection of road taxes.

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