Telangana Registration : Search for Encumbrance Certificate

Name of the organisation : Registration & Stamps Department,Telangana
Type Of Facility : Search for Encumbrance Certificate
Home Page :http://registration.telangana.gov.in
Search here :http://registration.telangana.gov.in/TGCARDECClient/ecSearchByDocAuto.jsp?distcode=&distname=&srocode=&sroname=

Encumbrance Certificate :

** The long awaited dream, enabling the Citizens to search on their own the Encumbrance on any property registered in Sub Registrar Offices has been made a practical reality with the advent of Information Technology. Now citizens can search for Encumbrance on 24X7 basis from anywhere through the medium of Internet.

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** The Source for generating encumbrance details for self-search and encumbrance certificate obtained in Sub Registrar Office is same. Hence for all practical purposes both are same. However, citizens who need ink signed Encumbrance certificate should approach SRO concern.
** Online eEC is available for transaction post 01-01-1983 only. Hence if citizens require Encumbrance certificate prior to 01-01-1983, they should approach SRO office concern.

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Search for eEC can be made on :
** Document Number and Year of Document OR
** House Number or Old House Number or Apartment name situated in a City/ Town/Village with optional Flat Number and Colony/Locality/Habitation OR
** Survey number in a Revenue Village and optionally described by a Plot number.
** District and SRO office selection is mandatory under all options
** Period of search is controlled as per the availability of data.
** Users are advised to enter the house number following the standard format as Ward – Block – Door NO / Bi no. for better results.
** As the data describing the property is not well structured and standardized due to legacy data and variation in description of the same property with respect to time because of changes in the classification of property, a probabilistic search is made and that may result in display of multiple results some of which may not be of any interest to the user. User should select the relevant entry for generating the statement on Encumbrances.

Disclaimer :
** The encumbrances shown in the eEC are those discovered with reference to the description of properties furnished by the applicants at the time of Registration.
** All efforts are made for accuracy of data. However in case of any conflict, original data shall prevail.

** Doct No. is Self Explanatory
** Memo No. is the Doct No. of the Memo
** received from Registering SRO
** None option is used to enter the schedule of the property
** without the use of Doct No. or Memo No.

About Us :
The Registration and Stamps Department is age old department functioning way back from the year 1864. The object of the department is to give publicity to the registered documents. Registration of a document is a notice to the public by way of definite recorded information to the world at large to enable public to verify the records and enquire therefrom the right, title and obligations if any on any immovable property.

Categories: Telangana

View Comments (3)

      Ans:- Encumbrance Certificate is a record showing registered transactions pertaining to a property. If mortgage, sale or any other deeds in respect of an immovable property are registered, indexing will be done by the Registration Department and this indexing is ultimately converted to generate an encumbrance certificate. Today, in Telangana, the Encumbrance Certificates are issued by MeeSeva Centres and Sub Registrar and District Registrar Offices.

  • I request the Commissioner and Inspector General Registration and Stamps department instructing for Index. After the department became computerized the department forgot for index. If the index is started preparing by the department along with photos then the corruption officials have think over to purchase the properties in their name or in the name of their kin and kith.

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