HP Tax : Apply Online For e-Registration Himachal Pradesh

Organization : Himachal Pradesh Excise & Taxation Department
Facility : Apply Online For e-Registration

Home Page :https://hptax.gov.in/HPPortal/
Register here :https://www.hptax.gov.in/

Apply Online For e-Registration :
E-Registration is designed to enable the dealers to get themselves registered online. They need not go to the Excise and Taxation Department to be registered. This functionality’s architecture can be described as two separate units.

e-Registration :
This module is designed to enable self Registration by the dealers. An Acknowledgement receipt is generated on successfull filing of all the required forms.

Track Your Status :
This functionality is designed so that the dealer can view his request form and also track the status of registration request made by him through the portal. By entering the Acknowledgement no. and Search Code provided in the Acknowledgement receipt , the Dealer can re-print the acknowledgement receipt and registraiton form uploaded by him on portal.

Getting Started :
Starting with e – Registration :
To start the application, do the following
1. Click Internet Explorer icon. The browser appears.
2. Type the URL given below in the Address bar : hptax.gov.in/HPPortal/
3. Once the web site is connected the Home page will appear as shown below (Screen –1).
4. On the left hand corner of the home page there is an e-Registration link. Click on this link.
5. A new screen will open . Select the Tax Type you want to apply for and click on
6. A new screen will open . This screen displays the details required to be filled by the dealer to apply for new registration.

Downloading necessary Templates :
1. To apply for registration dealer has to download the template from the website. It is advisable to always download the latest template for application. The user should have Microsoft Office Excel (version may be 97, 2000, 2003 or 2007) installed in the computer for this purpose.
2. On the Home Page, click on the download link to move to the download page.
3 Click on e-Registration Templates to go to the registration template download page.
4 Click on the download link next to the form name to download the template for the respective registration type. For eg. to download the template for VAT Registration click on the download link as shown in Screen-6.
5 The page appears .Click on Save to save the template in the system.

Preparation for the Registration :
1. After downloading requisite template, data can be entered in the template in following steps :
1. Open the downloaded template and fill the template with appropriate data.
2. Enter the data as per the colour shown in the background and as mentioned in the comments.

The colour scheme used for templates are :
Light Turquoise => Only numbers is to be entered in the cell.
Light Green =>Select data from the displayed dropdown list only.
Pale Blue => Only alphabets is to be entered in the cell.
Tan => Only date is allowed to be entered in the cell.
Rose => Only alphanumeric values is to be entered in the cell.

The f table contains the name of the Template for the respective Registration types :
1. VAT Registration VAT_Form_01.xls
2. CST Registration CST_Form_A.xls
3. LT Registration LT_Form_XII.xls
4. PGT Registration PGT_Form_1.xls
5. CGCR Registration CGCR_Form_T11.xls
6. Casual Dealer Registration VAT_Form_08.xls
7. M&TP Registration(In Bond/Outside Bond) MTP_Form_AL1.xls
8. M&TP Registration(Ayurvedic Practitioner) MTP_Form_AL2.xls
9. M&TP Registration(Bonded Warehouse) MTP_Form_AL3.xls

The process of filing and validating of all the templates of registration are same. Here the example of VAT_Form_01 is taken for reference.

VAT_Form_01 :
1) Download VAT_Form_01.xls file and save it in your local machine.
2) Open using Microsoft Excel and fill the required details.

Following are the steps to save a .xls file :-
Fill the template according to the comments and the background colour used.
If no errors are there a message box will appear.
Click on Yes and you will get following dialog box

Description of Buttons :
1. Validate Validates the sheet.
2. Yes Proceed to generate the upload file.
3. No Cancel the process.

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Type a relevant name in File name and Click on Save button.
You will get ialog box.

Description of Buttons :
1. Save Saves the template at the desired location.
2. Cancel Cancels the process.

Description of Label :
1. File name Enter a name for the file.
2. Save as type Select Excel Files from the dropdown.(default)

An Upload file is generated which has to be uploaded for registration process.

Upload and submit the form :
1. After downloading the templates please fill the templates as per the commentsmentioned.
2. For uploading the filled template navigate to VAT Registration page again.

District Dropdown Select the District from Drop down.
Email Id Characters Enter a valid email Id.
Upload File File Select the downloaded filled template for Registration form. The dealer can upload filled template in .xls format or zip format or upload file generated by validating the filled template.

After filling up the details as mentioned above click on the Browse button to select the generated upload file. Clicking the submit button will upload the file. After uploading the form details will be verified by the system and if they are found correct, system will give no error message otherwise list of error messages will be displayed.

On uploading the template, it will show you various status of the process running on the portal.
1) Uploading the file
2) Validating the data

After validation if there is any error in data, then the error list showing the error message with the row number and sheet details will be displayed. Dealer needs to correct the data and upload the template again.

Note :
The system will not allow submission/upload of registration sheet till the errors are corrected.

If there are no errors in the uploaded template you will find a submit button on the summary page.

On click of Submit, Acknowledgement Receipt will be generated and the following screen will be displayed. Take a print out of this receipt for future use.

Track Your Application Status :
1. The dealer can use the Track Your Application Status to view the current status of his registration.
2. As the Track Your Status page opens, the dealer can enter his Acknowledgement No. and Search Code mentioned in the Acknowledgement Receipt.
3. On entering the correct values, the dealer can view the status of the registration as well as his filled up registration form and also the dealer can generate a duplicate acknowledgement receipt.
4. Click on Generate Duplicate Acknowledgement Receipt to generate duplicate acknowledgement receipt.

Contact Us :
Excise and Taxation Department
Government of Himachal Pradesh
B-30, SDA Complex, Kasumpti,
Shimla, 171009.

Tags: hptax.gov.in
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