HP Tax : File VAT Return Online Himachal Pradesh

Organization : Himachal Pradesh Excise & Taxation Department
Facility : File VAT Return Online

Home Page :https://hptax.gov.in/HPPortal/

File VAT Return Online :

VAT e-returns module is designed to enable the dealers to file their returns online. They need not go to the Excise and Taxation Department to file the return.

Related : HP Tax Online Payment Himachal Pradesh : www.statusin.in/7790.html

This functionality’s architecture can be described as two separate units.

1) Filing of e-Returns :
This module is designed to enable return filing by the dealers. An Acknowledgement receipt is generated on successfull filing of all the forms required.

2) Return history :
This module is designed so that the dealer can view the returns filed. The dealer can also reprint the acknowldegment receipt generated after filing the returns on the portal.

Getting Started :
Registration on the Website :
1. To register on web site, click on the Internet Explorer icon. The browser appears
2. Type the URL given below in the address bar : /hptax.gov.in/HPPortal/
3. Once the web site is connected the Home page will appear
4. On the left hand corner of the home page there is a SignUp link. Please click on it.
5. A new screen will open. This screen displays the details required to be filled by the dealer for registering on the web portal. Please enter the details on the screen as per the instructions given below.
6. After filling up the details, please click on Submit. A page containing all the details of the user filled during registration will be displayed.
7. Check all the details and tick on “I Agree to the terms and Conditions”. On clicking on Submit a message appears “Do you comply with all the terms and conditions- ”
8. When the dealer clicks on “OK” the user details are submitted and the page appears. The dealer needs to take a print out of the form and fill the form with correct data and also put their signature and seal at the designated place. The completed hard copy needs to be taken to the ETD Office for Signup approval.
9. The ETD Office will then instruct the Admin of the portal to approve the user. If the user is approved then user will receive his/her login credentials on mail.
10. When the dealer logs in for the first time using the Login Id (TIN No.) and Password provided at the time of registering, system will prompt to change the password and the following screen appears (Screen-6). Please enter the details on the screen as per the instructions given below.
11. On entering the correct values , the user will receive a message of successful password change

Login :
1. A dealer registered on the web site is required to Login for the purpose of filing e-return. Process of Login is as under
2. Connect to Internet and open the website https ://hptax.gov.in/HPPortal/ . On the Home page, there is a column on left hand side
3. Please enter details
4. If the details entered by you are found correct; you will be logged in. You are entitled for number of e-services. Please select e-Returns link
5. On clicking this link you will get the screen

Downloading necessary Forms :
1. To fill up the return, you are required to download the Forms from the website. It is advisable to download these forms once and store for future use. You should have Microsoft Office Excel (version may be 97, 2000, 2003 or 2007) installed in your computer for this purpose.
2. On the Home Page, click on the download link to move to the download page.
3. Click on e-Returns Forms to go to the return form download page.
4. Click on the download link next to the form name to download the form for the respective return type. For eg. to download the form for VAT return click on the download link
5. The page appears .Click on Save to save the form in the system.
6. Form for VAT Returns.
7. To download the forms for filing e-Returns, click on required form name

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Preparation for the e-return :
After downloading requisite forms, data can be entered in these forms in following steps :
1. Open downloaded forms and fill the form with appropriate data.
2. Enter the kind of data as per the comments mentioned and colour shown in the background The colour scheme is :
Light Turquoise => Only numbers is to be entered in the cell. Light Green => Select data from the displayed dropdown list only. Pale Blue => Only alphabets is to be entered in the cell. Tan => Only date is allowed to be entered in the cell. Rose => Only alphanumeric values is to be entered in the cell.

VAT Form XV, VAT Form XVA :
1) Download VAT Form XV.xls file and save it in your local machine.
2) Open using Microsoft Excel and fill the required details and save the excel sheet.
** Select Excel Files from the dropdown.(default)
** Click here to Cancel the Process. Click here to save Form. Select the file type here. Enter the file name here. Click here to login Click her
** When the macros are not enabled the .csv file needs to be saved in the following manner :- Click on File menu and select Save As option as shown below
** Type a relevant name in File name and select CSV (comma delimited) option and Click on Save button.
** Select the file type as CSV (Comma Delimited) from the dropdown.

Upload and submit the form :
1. If after downloading the forms, you have logged out of the system, please log-in again to upload the filled form.
2. Navigate to the page from where you have downloaded the form.

Note : Screens for downloading form and uploading them on web site are the same.

3. On click of the button “Confirm” the return period selected is checked according to the dealer category. I.e. if the dealer selects Quarterly as Return Type to file the returns for Fourth Quarter of 2007 then it is checked if the dealer is a Quarterly dealer for the period of Fourth Quarter of 2007. If the dealer is Monthly dealer then the following alert (The category you have selected does not match the required category.)will be displayed
4. On filing the details properly an Upload File section opens. In the upload file section fill the details
5. On uploading the form, it will show you different status.
1) Uploading the file
2) Validating the data
6. If there are no errors in the uploaded form you will find a Continue button on the summary page.
7. Click on the Continue button to file the returns.
8. On click of Continue if the message of successful upload of form appears, then the process of uploading of the form is complete and uploading of other form can be continued.

View Submitted Forms :
1. Click on the Submitted Forms button in the Upload e-Returns page to view the forms submitted/uploaded.
2. Click on the form name to view the details filled in the form.
3. Click on the delete option corresponding to the form name, to delete the uploaded form.

Generate the Acknowledgement Receipt :
After successfully uploading base form (Form VAT XV, Form VAT XVA) along with its attachments, (Form LPI, Form LSI), you need to generate acknowledgement receipt. On click of the button “Generate Acknowledgement” there will be a pop-up saying “Once the acknowledgement is generated, no more forms can be attached”. (Screen-36)

View e-Returns :
1. Click on the View e-Returns link
2. A Search e-Returns page will open. On filling the details as mentioned below, list of returns can be seen.
3. On entering the correct data and clicking the Search button, the detail of the returns filled appears
4. The dealer can either view the e-return filled by him or generate a duplicate acknowledgement receipt. On clicking on the Acknowledgement No.
5. On clicking the form name the dealer can view the form
6. The dealer can also view generate the duplicate acknowledgement receipt by selecting the form and clicking on “Generate Duplicate Acknowledgement”.

Important Points to be kept in mind :
1. The returns will be only accepted and filed if the dealer has uploaded the mandatory forms irrespective of uploading the optional forms.
2. For Form LPI, Form LSI, Form LSIII, VAT Form XVB and VAT Form XVC .csv format will only be accepted.
3. Dealer can not file return for the present incomplete month and future month. He can only file return for his previous months, i.e. if present date is 07 January 2011 the dealer can file returns for date prior to the date.
4. It is required to upload the same form that is downloaded from the website. Copy of any other form file will not be accepted.
5. Quarter means period of three months ending on 30th June, 30th September, 31st December and 31st March.
6. Please do not share the password with anybody.

Contact Us :
Excise and Taxation Department
Government of Himachal Pradesh
B-30, SDA Complex, Kasumpti,
Shimla, 171009.

Categories: Himachal Pradesh
Tags: hptax.gov.in
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