buildingpermit.lsgkerala.gov.in : SANKETHAM Building Permit Application Kerala

Organisation : Government of Kerala
Department : Local Self Government Department
Scheme Name : SANKETHAM Building Permit Application
State : Kerala

Website :http://www.buildingpermit.lsgkerala.gov.in/Content/LoginG.aspx

Kerala Municipality Building Permit

Sanketham Software for granting building permits by local governments in a transparent and standardised manner strictly following the Kerala Municipal Building Rules (KMBR) and Kerala Panchayath Building Rules (KPBR). Software developed by Information Kerala Mission for Local Self Government Department of Govt of Kerala.

Related : Information Kerala Mission View Property Tax & e-Payment : www.statusin.in/5523.html

In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 381, 382, 387, 398, and 406 read with section 565 of the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 (20 of 1994) and in super session of the Kerala Building Rules, 1984 issued in G.O. (Ms.) No. 127/84/LA & SW dated 14th May 1984 and published as S.R.O. No. 486/84 in Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 403 dated 15th May 1984, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules, namely

1. Short title, applicability and commencement.-
(1) These rules may be called the Kerala Municipality Building Rules, 1999.
(2) They shall apply to all Municipalities in the State.
(3) They shall come into force at once.

Definitions :
(1) In these rules unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) ‘access’ means the way to a plot or building;
(b) ‘accessory building’ means a building attached or detached to a building on a plot and containing one or more accessory uses;
(c) ‘accessory use’ means any use of the premises subordinate to the principal use and customarily incidental to the principal use;
(d) ‘Act’ means the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 (20 of 1994);
(e) ‘advertising sign’ means any sign either free, supported or attached to a building or other structure which advertises an individual, a firm, a society, an establishment or a product displayed on the said premises for identification purposes;
(f) ‘alteration’ means a structural change, such as an addition to the area or height oraddition of floor/floors or mezzanine floor within any existing floor height, or change of existing flooror changing the roof to concrete slab or re-construction of existing walls or construction of concretebeams and columns amounting to structural change or construction of internal walls for subdividing the existing rooms with the intention of changing the use of the room/rooms which amount to change in the occupancy group of the building under these rules, or closing of any required means of ingress and egress to the building;
(g) ‘apartment’ means a part of a building intended for any type of independent use including one or more rooms or enclosed spaces located on one or more floors or parts thereof in a building, intended to be used for residential purposes and with a direct exit to a public street, road or highway or to a common area, leading to such street, road or highway. This word is synonymous with residential flat;
(h) ‘appendix’ means the appendix to these rules;
(i) ‘approved plan’ means the set of drawing and statements submitted under these rules for obtaining development permit or building permit and duly approved by the secretary;
(j) ‘basement floor’ means the lower storey of a building below or partly below the ground floor. This word is synonymous with cellar;
(k) ‘bathroom’ means a room or cubicle for bathing;
(l) ‘building’ means any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever material constructed and every part thereof whether used for human habitation or not and includes foundations, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services, verandah, balcony, cornice or projections, part of a building or anything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space and signs and outdoor display structures;
(m) ‘building line’ means a line which is away from the street boundary and up to which the main wall of the building facing that street may lawfully extend, no portion of the building may extend beyond this line except as prescribed in these rules;
(n) ‘carpet area’ means the usable floor area excluding the area of staircases, lift wells, escalators, ducts, toilets, air condition plant room and electrical control, room.

Note :For calculating carpet area, twenty percent of the floor area, shall be deducted from the total floor area in each floor.


These rules shall apply to,-
(i) any public or private building as described below, namely
(a) where a building is newly erected, these rules shall apply to the designs and construction of the building;
(b) where the building is altered, these rules shall apply to the altered portion of the building;
(c) where the occupancy or use of building is changed, these rules shall apply to all the parts of the building affected by the change;
(d) where addition or extension is made to a building, the rules shall apply to theaddition or extension only, but for calculation of floor area ratio and coverage permissible and for calculation of required off street parking area to be provided, the whole building [existing and proposed] shall betaken in to account.
(ii) all lands which is proposed to be re developed or developed for construction or buildings;
(iii) all developments and constructions existing or proposed in any village panchayath area to which the provisions of these rules stand extended.

Essentiality of permit

(1) No person shall develop or redevelop any parcel of land or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a permit for each such development or redevelopment from the Secretary.
(2) No person shall construct or reconstruct or make addition or extension or alteration to any building or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a separate building permit for each such work from the Secretary :

Application for development permit. :
Every person other than a Central or State Government Department who intends to develop or redevelop any parcel of land shall apply in writing to the Secretary in the form inAppendix AA and such application shall be accompanied by plans and statements in duplicate as required under these rules and documents to prove the ownership of the landconcerned and payment of application fee as specified in Schedule 1 (along with a copyof the certificate of registration of the Architect, Building Designer, Engineer, Town Planner or Supervisor as the case may be, who has prepared and signed the plans, drawings and statements.)

Site plan, Service plan, etc. to be submitted. :
(1) An application for a development permit shall be accompanied by site plan, service plan, together with details and specifications as described below :
(a) the site plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1 : 400 and shall be fully dimensioned and shall show:
(i) the boundaries of the plot and of any contiguous land belonging the owner thereof, including the revenue survey particulars in full;
(ii) the position of the site in relation to the neighbouring street and its main access;
(iii) the name of such street, if any; and its width, which shall be the width in between the plot boundaries on the opposite sides;
(iv) all existing structures in the plot;
(v) all existing streets or foot – paths within the plot;
(vi) the layout of cul-de-sac, streets, or foot-paths within, adjoining or terminating at the site, existing, proposed to be widened or newly aligned;
(vii) the proposed plot subdivision, if any, and the areas and uses of each sub division thereof;
(viii) the access to each plot subdivision, if any;
(ix) the layout of any service roads or foot paths and public parking spaces proposed or existing, if any;
(x) the area and location of any land within the plot that undevelopable such as rocky outcrops, steep terrains, marshes, etc.
(xi) the area and location of any land within the plot that is not proposed to be developed or redeveloped;
(xii) the area and location of any, land that is proposed to be reclaimed .
(xiii) the area and location of any paddy fields and/or other agricultural land that are proposed to be reclaimed and /or converted for the said development or redevelopment;
(xiv) the north direction and predominant wind direction in relation to the site.
(xv) topographic contours (with contour interval not less than 1.5 m show the features of the plot clearly) of the site and any other relevant information of the plot not specially mentioned, but may be required by the Secretary.

Note :
The site plan shall be accompanied by a key map drawn to a scale /appropriate to a scale of 1 : 4000 giving full details of the location of the site with reference to all adjacent streets, premises and landmarks within a distance of 30m of the plot together with the details of the land use of the adjourning premises, on all sides.

FAQ On Kerala SANKETHAM Building Permit

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Kerala SANKETHAM Building Permit:

What is SANKETHAM Building Permit?
SANKETHAM Building Permit is a software application developed by the Information Kerala Mission (IKM) for the Government of Kerala to grant building permits in a transparent and standardized manner strictly following the Kerala Municipal Building Rules (KMBR 2019) and Kerala Panchayat Building Rules (KPBR 2019).

Who can apply for SANKETHAM Building Permit?
Any person who wants to construct a building in Kerala can apply for a SANKETHAM Building Permit.

What are the fees for SANKETHAM Building Permit?
The fees for SANKETHAM Building Permit vary depending on the type of building and the location of the building.

What are the benefits of SANKETHAM Building Permit?
The benefits of SANKETHAM Building Permit include:
** Transparency: The process of granting building permits is transparent and standardized.
** Standardization: The process of granting building permits is standardized, which ensures that all buildings are constructed in accordance with the Kerala Municipal Building Rules (KMBR 2019) and Kerala Panchayat Building Rules (KPBR 2019).
** Convenience: The process of applying for and obtaining a SANKETHAM Building Permit is convenient and easy.
** Cost-effectiveness: The cost of obtaining a SANKETHAM Building Permit is cost-effective.

What are the penalties for constructing a building without a SANKETHAM Building Permit?
Any person who constructs a building without a SANKETHAM Building Permit will be liable for a penalty. The penalty will vary depending on the type of building and the location of the building.

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