UCO Bank : Check Account Balance Via SMS/ Mobile

Organization : UCO Bank
Facility :Check Account Balance Via SMS/ Mobile

Home Page :https://www.ucobank.com/
Get more details here :https://www.ucobank.com/english/home.aspx

Mobile Banking :

UCO Mobile Banking is a technology based new service offering from UCO Bank to its customers for their convenience allowing them to avail selected banking services via their mobile phone using SMS Messaging.

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Mobile Banking Services are operated using both PUSH & PULL Messages.

PUSH Messages (Alerts) are the customized alerts. Under this service, customer registered for Mobile Banking facility shall be able to get SMS alerts for various activities on his account. Such messages are those that the Bank chooses to send out to a customer’s mobile phone for which the customer needs to be registered under UCO Mobile Banking Service by submitting one time application to the bank for availing the facility.

PULL Messages (Request) are those that are initiated by the customer using his mobile phone for obtaining information or performing a transaction in the bank Account, for example ‘balance enquiry’ or ‘cheque status enquiry’.

Now you can access your bank account and avail a host of banking services and enquiries through your mobile phone with our UCO Mobile Banking Service.

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What can I get alerts for- :
Our Mobile Banking Service provides you information in the form of SMS alerts for various activities performed on your account.
** Salary Credit
** Account getting debited
** Account getting credited
** Cheque bounce
** Balance above certain limit
** Balance below a limit
** Bill payment / Bill registration (through e-banking) alert
** Batch alerts
** Promotional alerts
** Greetings

What can I do using Mobile Banking- :
Our Mobile Banking Service provides you host of functionalities that you may avail using your mobile phone.
** Balance enquiry
** Last three transactions
** Cheque status enquiry
** Account statement request
** Change of SMS Password
** Suspending self from Mobile Banking Services
** Sending message to Branch Head

How does it work- :
Mobile Banking works through a set of Text Message (SMS) through which you can perform a wide range of information based or query based transactions from your mobile phone, without even making a call.

All you need to do is to type in the specified ‘keyword’ and some other required parameters in the message box of your Mobile phone and send it to 56161.

You will get a system generated response in the form of a text message (SMS) on your mobile phone screen within a few seconds.

See Keywords assigned for various ‘Request Facility’ :
Description Key word Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3 :
1 Balance Enquiry (for Primary A/c) UCOBAL mPIN
2 Balance Enquiry (for other A/c) UCOBAL mPIN A/c No.
3 Last 3 transactions TRAN A/c No. mPIN
4 Cheque Status Enquiry CHQST A/c No. mPIN Cheq No.
5 Account statement request ACSTT A/c No. mPIN Month
6 Change of SMS password CHNGPW mPIN New mPIN
7 Suspending self from Mobile Banking Service SUSPND A/c No. mPIN
8 Sending message to RM of the Bank MSGBM A/c mPIN Message
SMS to be sent to 56161 by the customer from his Mobile phone.

For Example for balance enquiry, type the message in the message box of your mobile phone in the following manner and send the same to 56161. You will get system generated response.

For balance enquiry of other account (if more than one accounts are linked)
UCOBAL <mPIN> <14 digit Account number>

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Tags: ucobank.com

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