acbmaharashtra.gov.in Trap Complaints : Anti Corruption Bureau

Organization : Anti Corruption Bureau
Service Name : Trap Complaints
State: Maharashtra

Website : https://acbmaharashtra.gov.in/

Trap Complaints

The Complainant / Victim will have to come to the ACB office in person and participate in the trap operation to be carried out by the ACB

Related : Digital Maharashtra Register Complaint & Check Status : www.statusin.in/24736.html

1) Which types of crimes ACB investigate?:
Trap, DPA and Criminal Misconduct. Demand, acceptance, obtaining bribe, trap, criminal misconduct, attempt of criminal misconduct & offering bribe to public servant.

2) What is Trap?:
Wherein an accused is nabbed red handed while demanding or accepting bribe money as well as offering bribe money to public servant.

3) What is DPA?:
Accumulation of wealth by public servant or any person on his behalf for which public servant cannot satisfactorily account of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his known source of income.

4) Against whom the complainant can register a demand complaint?:
Public servant or a private person who is working for public servant or a private person behind the back of public servant demands, accept bribe for public servant.

5) Whether trap complaint can be made against any public servant?:
The public servant with whom legal work of Complainant is pending and also for criminal misconduct though work not pending with public servant. 13(1)(d) PC Act.

6) When complainant can give a trap complaint?:
While there is a demand of bribe.

7) Who provides the money used for laying the trap?:
The money used in laying the trap is to be provided by aggrieved complainant.

8) Whether trap money is returned to the complainant?:
Trap money is returned to complainant as early as possible.

9) Is it compulsory for complainant to attend the ACB office for trap?:
Yes, there is a direct involvement of complainant in trap.

10) Whether it is necessary for complainant to attend the court after registration of crime?:
During the court proceedings complainant should remain present at the time of examination before the Judge .

11) What ACB does if the public servant is trapped and the pending work is stuck? :
ACB follows up with senior authorities of concerned department.

12) How to lodge a complaint?:
Through website, ACB facebook page, Mobile apps, Toll free number 1064, written application or visiting personally to ACB office. However, in trap case personal attendance of complainant is required.

13) Can DPA complaint be registered against any public servant?:
Yes. Accumulation of wealth by public servant or any person on his behalf for which public servant cannot satisfactorily account of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his known source of income.

14) What is the website of ACB?:

15) Whether ACB keeps identity of complainant secret?:
Yes, identity of complainant is kept secret except in trap complaints.

6) What ACB does if complainant receives threats from accused?:
ACB collects evidence and puts up for cancellation of bail of the accused.

17) Whether any private person works in ACB?:
Any private person can give information to ACB about corruption and criminal misconduct of public servant.

18) Whether every district has ACB unit?:

19) Where should complainant register a complaint?:
(At place of his residence or at the place where public servant works) Anywhere, by dialing 1064

20) Who exercises supervision over ACB?:
Director General, Anti Corruption Bureau, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.

21) Does ACB give cash reward to the informants?:
Yes in DPA cases ACB gives cash reward to informants.

22) What happens to the property of accused in DPA case?:
ACB attaches the said property through Court.

23) Whether there is any toll free number to lodge a complaint?:
Yes, 1064.

24) Whether there is any facility to lodge online complaint?:
Yes, by using complaint panel in www.acbmaharashtra.gov.in and lodge a complaint panel in www.facebook.com/MaharashtraACB.

25) How ACB will help to the public if public servant demands & accepts bribe immediately on spot for e.g. Railway T.C., Traffic Constable, Municipal Naka Staff, Court Staff for affidavit etc.?:
Try to collect details through video, audio and upload it to ACB, though www.acbmaharashtra.net

26) Whether ACB can take steps to curb/prevent the corruption as mentioned in Sr.No.25 above and what kind of cooperation needed to ACB from public? :
Yes. Send video, audio by uploading the same through www.acbmaharashtra.net

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