iglonline.net e-Bill Facility & PNG Complaint Redressal Delhi : Indraprastha Gas

Organization : Indraprastha Gas Limited
Facility Name : e-Bill Facility & PNG Complaint Redressal
Office Location : Delhi

Website : https://www.iglonline.net/

Indraprastha Gas e-Billing Facility

“Ways of Subscribing to E-BILL

Related / Similar Service : Indraprastha Gas PNG Connection Status

If you wish to subscribe to e-billing facility, then you can choose one of the following steps :-
Sending SMS to 56070

Customer can send a SMS as “IGL EBILL <Business Partner No.> <Email ID>” (e.g. IGL Ebill 1000012345 abc@yxyz.com) to 56070

Log onto www.iglonline.net
Log on to your account by clicking Existing Customer in the Customer Zone.
Go to E-Bill Registration and place a tick on the checkbox “I hereby agree to receive the bill through email”.

Once the request for E-bill subscription is processed, hard copy bills will be discontinued.

Take a step to be a part of this ‘Green Initiative’. Register for E-bill.”

PNG Complaint Redressal:

Customer Service:
In charge :
Ms. Nidhi Joshi
011 -46074806

Nodal Officer :
Mr. Vikram Jettley
011 – 46074811

Related Post

Appellate Authority :
Mr. Ashim Batra
011 – 46074801


1. What is Natural Gas ?
PNG is mainly methane – CH4 with a small percentage of other higher hydrocarbons. The ratio of carbon to hydrogen is least in methane and hence it burns almost completely making it the cleanest fuel. It is procured from the oil / gas wells and transported through a network of pipelines across the country

2. Where is PNG stored in Delhi ?
PNG in Delhi is not stored at one place but is continuously supplied through the Hazira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) pipeline of GAIL.

3. Is the supply of PNG regular ?
Yes, the supply is absolutely regular. The pipeline distribution network is based on an on-line supply system that consists of safety valves and regulators that control and monitor the gas supply and pressure, and assist in identifying system leaks. Thus an un-interrupted supply at a constant pressure is assured.

4. What changes are required for conversion of an LPG appliance to be PNG friendly ?
PNG works on a cooking appliance just like LPG does. Converting an existing LPG appliance to a PNG friendly one is done by trained IGL technicians, and at no extra cost.

5. What becomes of the LPG cylinders after the cooking appliance gets converted ?
The LPG connection can be surrendered to the respective oil company and security deposit refund obtained.You are under obligation to discontinue the LPG connection as per the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas directive dated 23.09.09 according to which both LPG & PNG connection can not be availed at the same address (even under different names / relations).

If however you do not submit the same within 60 days of completion of PNG connection as per the directive, PNG supply shall be discontinued.

6. What is a domestic PNG connection ?
A domestic PNG connection includes conversion of one LPG appliance to PNG, laying of associated galvanized iron (GI) pipeline network, along with necessary fittings, pressure regulator and a meter.

7. What is the cost of getting a PNG connection ?
Cost of PNG connection is dependent on the type of house and installation charges are as applicable at the time of registration. Applicable interest free refundable security deposit is to be deposited for a PNG connection.

Features of Indraprastha Gas

Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) is a city gas distribution company in India. It is a joint venture between the Government of Delhi, GAIL (India) Limited, and Indraprastha Estates Limited. IGL was incorporated in 1994 and commenced operations in 1996.

IGL supplies piped natural gas (PNG) to households, commercial establishments, and industrial units in Delhi and its neighboring towns. PNG is a clean, efficient, and affordable fuel that can help to reduce pollution and improve air quality.

Some of the features of IGL include:
** Wide network: IGL has a wide network of pipelines that covers Delhi and its neighboring towns. This allows it to provide PNG to a large number of customers.
** Reliable supply: IGL has a reliable supply of PNG. This is because it has long-term contracts with gas producers and has invested in a robust infrastructure.
** Safe and efficient: PNG is a safe and efficient fuel. It is less likely to cause fires than other fuels, such as LPG. It is also more efficient, which means that it can save customers money on their energy bills.
** Environmentally friendly: PNG is a clean fuel. It does not produce any emissions that contribute to air pollution.

Categories: Delhi

View Comments (12)

  • My connection BP No.400008XXXX. Meter of my connection was changed by IGL in April 2022. Since then I am getting Estimated Bills. May time tried to resolve the issue through Customer Care, but every time same reply that Company is changing the new meter Number. I visited the RK Puram office twice. In first day they do not find any record of new meter and as such raised a query mail with Dwarka office. When nothing happened, I visited to Dwarka Office. Dwarka office replied to the query of RK Puram office in front of me. Next week I again visited to the RK Puram office. They informed that they changed the meter number correctly. I provided the snap of the meter as on 8.7.2023 and accordingly one bill they raised on actual basis. As per their information, I paid Rs.4767/ at the RK Puram office on the same day. They were unable to give me a copy of the corrected bill for which I made the payment due to no printer in the Office (What a Company). On 4.8.2023 again I got an estimated Bill for Rs.3396 with incorrect meter Number. Why the customer will suffer for the inefficient billing system of IGL? Is it possible to resolve it?

    The correct meter No is ZMT-77279000XXXXX installed in April 2022 an as on today the meter reading is 186 (850 in the Red zone).
    Kindly give priority.

  • श्रीमान
    मे नियमित रूप से अपने बिल का पेमेंट करता हो जो की आप के द्वारा मेरे मेल पर आते है, और वह भी अधिक आते है में
    लगातार फिर भी अधिक बिल को जमा करता आ रहा हू,
    महोदय मेरा बिल सुरु (2019 -2020) में 800 से 900 का आता था लिकेन पिछेली २ साल से बिल अधिक आता है जबकि मेरे घर में ४ लोग तब भी थे और आज भी ४ लोग ही है , आज आप ने बिल न। 1000365XXXX के द्वारा 69XX का बिल भेजा है उसमे २२१९ का वह बिल भी है जो में जमा कर चूका हु , कृपया बिल के जांच ठीक से करे, और मीटर को बदले तथा मेरा स्टेटमेंट ऑफ़ अकाउंट को सुरु से अभी तक का शेयर करे , अन्यथा मेरे पास कंस्यूमर कोर्ट में जाने के अलावा अन्य रास्ता नहीं होगा

  • Please inform whom to contact by e mail/name of & contact no. of Person regarding excess billing of PNG (indraprastha gas ltd)

  • Payment done from more than 1 Year. Connection not yet done in 1168, Akshardham Apartment, Dwarka-110075

    BP Number :4000578037
    Payment done on 17/11/2017

  • Reference Service Request Ticket Number is 9901236841 for BP number 5000104991 and BP number 5000032779.My Email ID as given in the message(SMS) dated 17.4 .2018 is incorrect. Bills for both above BP numbers do not tally with the meter readings. You are requested to send your representative personally to reconcile the bills. No bill will be paid till the matter is resolved. As I am unable to operate computers, it would be better if you send me a hard copy of the bills. Please bring it to the notice of your higher authorities.

  • I had forwarded through mail and whats-up the latest meter reading of my domestic natural gas installed at my flat G-5/135 Sector 16, Rohini, Delhi vide BP NO.4000339818. I am being asked to pay what I have not used. I have paid more than I have consumed. The flat where the said pipe line gas is installed is locked for the last five months due to family circumstances. Nobody is listing. Where should I approach to register complaint against those officials? PM, Court?

  • Please send someone to re-paint the inhouse gas pipe lines before it gets eroded by rust and can lead to leakage which can be very alarming.

  • I never opted for an Ebill facility. I want a hard copy of my IGL bill. Is there a way to unsubscribe the Ebill facility?

    Kindly let me know asap.

  • Nodal Officer (Billing)
    IGL Bhawan, Plot No. 4,
    Community Centre, Sector 9,
    R K Puram, New Delhi - 110022

    Subject: Wrongly punched arrear amount on bill

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    This is for your kind notice that I had received an IGL Invoice No:100013613181 dated 10th Sept 2015 amounting Rs. 6977.33 in which Rs. 6043.96 is wrongly punched in arrear section (by your data entry operator).

    There is no billing amount is outstanding on my behalf, last bill of Rs. 1043.96 had already paid on 9th Sept 2015 (except the current bill of Rs. 912.49 + late payment charges of Rs. 20.88).

    Kindly resolve the problem as soon as possible as I am suffering from mental disturbance arising due to the same.

  • Please inform whom to contact by e mail regarding excess billing of PNG (indraprastha gas ltd)

    A/90 surya nagar, Ghziabad

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