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Organization : CSC e-Governance Services India Limited
Service Name : Download Transaction Statement & ePRAN
Applicable State/UT: All India

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The CSC Centers/VLE can download the Transaction Statement for their subscribers. In addition, NL-CC/CSC Centers can also view & print e-PRAN of their subscribers.

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To avail this facility following are some of the requirement which should be known & required by the VLE/CSC Center:
** To Download the Transaction Statements & e-PRAN the respective VLEs should register their mobile numbers with CSC/NSDL.
** NLCC Registration Number is required to avail this service.

Standard Operating Procedure for Subscriber For Transaction Statement and e-PRAN Download by NLCC on NPS Lite:
Currently, the NPS Lite Oversight Offices (NLOOs) and NPS Lite Account Offices (NLAOs) can view the Transaction Statement for their underlying subscribers. Now, the NPS Lite Collection Centres (NLCCs) can download the Transaction Statement for their underlying subscribers by accessing the CRA corporate website at In addition, NL-CC can also view & print e-PRAN of underlying subscribers. To avail this facility for downloading Transaction Statements & e-PRAN, the respective NLCCs have to register their mobile numbers with CRA.
Once a NLCC User provides the relevant details after accessing the NLCC link at CRA corporate website, temporary One Time Password (OTP) will be generated. The password will be sent as a sms to the NLCC mobile number registered with CRA. NLCC can use this password for 30 minutes and can access online, save, print and deliver the Transaction Statement to the subscriber as well as to view & print e-PRAN.

This document provides the activities/steps to be carried out at NLCC level for accessing Transaction Statement and/or e-PRAN.
a) The NLCC User need to click on the ‘NLCC’ link available on CRA corporate website (

b) The hyperlink will take the NLCC to ‘Entity SOT’ Download screen. NPS Lite home page (

There will be two options available under the ‘TS download for Entity’
i. Generate New OTP
ii. Use Existing OTP

Generate New OTP:
1) The NLCC User is required to select ‘Generate New OTP’ option (please refer Figure A.1.3) for first time generation of the OTP i.e., ’One Time Password’.

2) Once the User clicks on ‘Generate New OTP’, the following window will emerge wherein for the NLCC Users have to provide their respective NLCC Registration Number (please refer Figure A.2.1). In case, an OTP has already been generated for the NLCC, the User need to click on ‘Use Existing OTP’ button. The process to be followed for the same has been provided from page 7 onwards.

After entering the NLCC registration number and clicking on ‘Submit’ button, a confirmation page will appear (please refer Figure A.2.2). This page displays the last four digits of the registered mobile number of NLCC available in the NPS Lite system alongwith the NLCC Registration Number. If Mobile number of NLCC is not available in the NPS Lite system, system will display a message ‘Mobile number is not present for this NLCC’. If the registration number entered by NLCC does not match with the details registered with CRA, the system shows an error, ‘This Entity ID is not present in the database’.

3) Once the User clicks on ‘Confirm & Generate’ button (in the above screen), a six digit OTP will be sent on registered mobile number of the NLCC. The NLCC needs to enter this OTP in the OTP text box field alongwith the Captcha Code in the text box field and then click on ’Submit’ button. Please refer Figure A.3.1 below.

4) If the OTP and Captcha Code entered by the NLCC match with the system generated OTP and Captcha Code, then the limited access for TS download (Transaction Statement download) will be available to NLCC (please refer Figure A.4.1).

5) The NLCC User is required to enter the PRAN for which Transaction Statement is required to be downloaded. The User also has to select Financial Year (FY) – for which the Transaction Statement is required to be downloaded – from the drop down menu and click on ‘Submit’ button. {please refer Figure A.4.2 (a)&(b)}

6) A Transaction Statement will be generated and an option to open or save the Transaction Statement (in .pdf format) will be available (please refer Figure A.4.3).

Use Existing OTP:
A User who has logged in using the OTP within can download the Transaction Statement of underlying NLCC subscribers for next 30 minutes. Further, even if the User has exited from the system after downloading Transaction Statements, he / she can continue to use the same OTP for logging in for the next 30 minutes to view/download the Transaction Statement. However, if the User remains inactive (i.e., not using the functionality) for a particular period of time after logging in, the page would expire as per the standard practice. Then, the User has to regenerate the OTP once again.

The steps for using existing OTP are as follows:
1) The NLCC User is required to select the ‘Use Existing OTP’ Option (please refer Figure A.5.1) for the re-using OTP within a time frame of 30 minutes from OTP generation.

2) The NLCC User needs to enter respective NLCC Registration Number in Entity Reg. Number text box field, OTP in the OTP text box field, Captcha Code in Captcha Code text box field and click on ‘Submit’ button. (please refer Figure A.6.1)

3) If the OTP and Captcha Code entered by the NLCC User matches with the system generated OTP and Captcha Code, then the option for Transaction Statement download will be available to NLCC. The process remain same onwards step f) mentioned above (please refer Figure A.4.1).

View & Print e-PRAN
For viewing the e-PRAN of underlying subscribers, NLCC user shall select the option e-PRAN and shall provide the relevant PRAN. Once the PRAN is provided the screen as shown below in figure A.7.1 will be displayed. The system will also provide an option to download pdf copy of the same.

In addition, NLCC users will also have view of “Subscriber Details” and “Subscriber List Download” through which it can view the details of underlying subscribers.

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