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All posts from Children With Special Needs Tracking System : Prathamik Shikshan Parishad

Organization : Maharashtra Prathamik Shikshan Parishad (MPSP)
Facility : Children With Special Needs (CWSN) Tracking System

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** Click on the login button with the state coordinator login. User name :SC_Maharashtra and password:pass AT 123The following page will get loaded into the browser
** Click on the radio button state level on clicking it the list of district will get populated in the district dropdown on the selecting district the block, cluster and village will get populated in respective dropdown.
** To view the record click on the search button after selecting the district,block,cluster as well as villages the list of records corresponding to selection criteria gets displayed.
** To view the record of particular district go to login page by clicking on logout link and login into the application with district_co-ordinator say pune then user id will be DC_Pune and password will be pass AT 123 then following screen will get appear.
** In this there is only one value that gets populated in the district dropdown that correspond to the district name for which we are login i.e. pune.
** In this all block, cluster and village selection occurs correspond to district pune.
** Now select the block->cluster->village correspond to district pune and click on the search button then list will get displayed related to search criteria.
** To view the record of particular block login into the application with the block login. Say the block name is Mulshi then user name will be BRP_Pune_Mulshi and password will be pass AT 123 then following page will get loaded into the browser. On the top of the page the district name, block name as well as user name (corresponding to the block) gets appeared.
** In this the district name as well as block name is fix. The cluster as well as village selection gets occurred correspond to the block of the particular district. The district->block->cluster->village where district and block is fixed. On selecting the cluster corresponding villages will gets appeared. On clicking the search button the records correspond to given search criteria gets displayed. **
** To add the CWSN record for state, login into the application with state coordinator login. Click on the search button after selecting the district->block->cluster->village now the list of the villages gets appeared as shown below.

Now click on the particular dice code for which we have to add CWSN record. On clicking particular dice code following screen will get appeared.

In this school related information as well as other information are fixed like dice code, school name, district, city, village. We have to enter the personal information.
To view the CWSN record login through state coordinator. Go to option list select the district for which we want to view the record. Click on the search button then list of record gets displayed along with the edit and view option. As shown below.

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