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Organization : Ministry of Railways
Service Name : Online Application For Crossing Railway Line & Status Check
Applicable State: All India

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How To Apply For Crossing Railway Line?

To Apply For Crossing Railway Line, Follow the below steps

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Related / Similar Service : IRCEP TMS

** Click on the link “Click here for Online application”
** Fill the particulars and submit the application.
** Print the duly filled form, sign and submit to DRM/Engg. enclosing a copy of rough sketch, draft agreement signed on each page and Demand Draft/ MR in original.
** Application form without rough sketch, draft agreement duly signed by applicant on each page and registration fee (Rs.2000/-) shall be considered incomplete and be summarily rejected.
** The formal registration will be done after receipt of duly signed application form.
** The Demand Draft should be prepared in favour of Senior Divisional Finance Manager (Sr. DFM) of the concerned Division payable at the divisional head-quarter station.

What is Crossing Railway Line?

Crossing Railway Line (Pipeline, Cables, etc.):
Way leave facilities/Easement rights on Railway land involve occasional or limited use of land by a party for a specified purpose like passage etc. without conferring upon the party any right of possession or occupation of the land and without in any way affecting the Railway’s title, possession, control and use of the land.

Section 16 of the Railways Act, 1989 enjoins upon the Railways to make and maintain specified works for the accommodation of the owners and occupiers of the lands adjoining the railway, for the purpose of making good any interruptions caused by the railway to the use of the lands through which the railway is made. Such works include crossing, passages, drains, water courses etc. Apart from these, requests are often received for provision of way leave/easement on railway land in the form of passage/access, underground pipelines for water supply and sewerage, electrical and telecommunications lines, etc. In many cases, these are unavoidable in view of the very nature and extent of the railway alignment.

In genuine and unavoidable cases, way leave facility/easement right may be allowed after execution of proper agreements. However, the land is not licensed, but only permission is to be granted for a limited use which is to be specified in detail in agreement.

To avoid any misunderstanding on this score, the agreement should not use terms like ‘License’ and ‘License fee’, but only ‘permission’ and ‘way leave charges’. The agreement should also clearly stipulate that the Railway Administration retains full rights to enter upon, pass through or use the land, at any time, without any notice to the party, nor to provide any alternative arrangement for access, etc. In such a case, any installations like underground pipelines, etc. put up by the party are liable to be removed/shifted by the party at its owncost.

The way leave facility/easement right on railway land provided for these specific purposes should not be used to transverse and use Railway land along the track.

Opening of any kind into Railway land/air space should not be permitted. In all cases of way leave facility granted, proper agreement is to be executed. The agreement should provide for revision of way leave charges from time to time.

Way leave facilities are not to be granted as a matter of routine, but only after consideration of each case on merits based on a site inspection. Special care should be taken to see that the way leave facility does not in any way impinge on the safety and security of railway operations and railway property.

Way leave permission should be accorded only after ensuring that Railways’ financial interests are not affected in any manner, i.e. by way of loss of traffic, loss of revenue etc. by granting such permission.


E-mail : cetmsnr123 [AT]

Some Important Information From Comments

Error / Problem:
1. We have already applied Railroad Crossing GAD approval system for user ID and password. But, till date no response has given from the railway authorities.

2. Please let me know, how much time it will take to grant the permission for crossing railway line, as use for village water supply.

Functions of Ministry of Railways

The Ministry of Railways is the government body responsible for managing and operating India’s railway system. Some of the main functions of the Ministry of Railways include:

Planning and Development:
The Ministry of Railways is responsible for planning and developing the railway network in India. This involves the construction of new railway lines, stations, and other infrastructure, as well as the modernization and upgradation of existing facilities.

Operation and Maintenance:
The Ministry of Railways oversees the operation and maintenance of the railway network, including train services, tracks, signalling systems, rolling stock, and other infrastructure. The ministry is also responsible for ensuring the safety and security of passengers and goods transported on the railway system.

Policy Formulation:
The Ministry of Railways formulates policies related to the railway sector, including pricing, investments, regulations, and safety standards. The ministry also plays a key role in developing and implementing national transport policies that integrate the railway system with other modes of transport.

Add a Comment
  1. Rail track crossing of overhead electrical tr. line application is available online mode or not? if available where can I get the link

  2. Eexecutive Engineer, KRFB PMU

    We have already applied Railroad Crossing GAD approval system for user id and password. But till date no response has given from the railway authorities. The mail request for password and user id were send to edbsrb AT on June 13 2022 and a reminder has been forwarded on 23 june 2022.

  3. Let me know from wherei can get the rough sketch of my land?

  4. Please let me know, how much time it will take to grant the permission for crossing railway line, as use for village water supply.

  5. Let me know the format of draft agreement and where can I get it.

  6. Prasad, Rajahmundry

    How to apply for laying BSNL cable for 1000 meters in railway land? No railway line crossing involved.

  7. How can we prepare the draft agreement for completion of procedure and how to make the rough sketch?

    1. Rough Sketch is you just make a hand drawing for Rly location crossing near like railway kms

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