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Organization : Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University School of Distance Education
Service Name : Revaluation & Verification Procedure
Location : Delhi

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Revaluation & Verification Procedure:
The candidate who has appeared at the University may apply to the Controller of Examination in the prescribed from for verification of marks of his theory papers through the Principal of his/her college.

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A candidate shall submit an application only in the prescribed form to the Controller of Examination for:
** Verification along with fee of Rs.50/- per head of passing.
** Revaluation of answer books of theory paper/s along with fee at the rate of Rs.100/- per theory paper for nonprofessional courses and Rs.200/- per theory paper for professional courses in addition to the fee for verification of marks.

The candidate should submit his application form for verification of marks and revaluation of answer books within 15 days from the date of result, through the Principal/Head of his Colleges/Institution

No application for verification and of revaluation will be entertained unless :
1. A Xerox copy of the statement of marks at the examination concerned is enclosed to the application.
2. Seat No., nomenclature of theory paper/s date of examination and examination centre are correctly mentioned.
3. Exact amount of fee as prescribed in the rule is remitted along with the application form.This fee shall not be refunded if the applicant’s application is processed for revaluation. However, the fee for revaluation is liable to be refunded in case, the application is not entertained and not processed for revaluation under the provision of this Regulation.
4. If it is not received within 15 days from the date of declaration of concerned examination result.

A student who has appeared at the University examination can apply for revaluation of his/her answer books of the theory papers of the University Examination subject to the following conditions
1. A student can apply for revaluation in maximum 50% of heads of passing in theory subject/s or maximum three heads of passing in theory subject/s whichever is less at the University examination for which he/she has appeared. However, a candidate who has appeared for 1stMBBS examination may apply for revaluation in maximum two theory papers at any attempt.

2. The revaluation includes verification also. If on verification of marks it is found that the marks originally shown in the mark list issued to a candidate have changed, either minus or plus as a result of verification the changed marks shall be considered as original marks for the purpose of revaluation.

3. The revaluation of the answer books however shall not be permitted in respect of scripts of Practical examination/Term Work/Internal Assessment/ Sessional Marks/ Dissertation/ Thesis/ Clinical/ MCQ (Multiple Choice question in practical examination) and Viva-Voce examination.

4. The Principals of the concerned Colleges/Institutes shall collect all the application forms for verification of marks/revaluation of answer books along with prescribed fee from the students and send the same to the University in one lot with a demand draft of the amount of verification / revaluation of fees collected.

5. The result of the revaluation of applicant’s answer books of the theory paper/s shall be binding on him and that he shall accept the revised marks allotted to his theory paper/s after revaluation.

6. The benefit of revaluation shall be given to a candidate if the marks obtained by the candidate after revaluation exceed his original marks by at least 10% or more of the maximum of marks allotted to each theory paper. Only these marks will be accepted by the University and will have to be accepted by the student. For the purpose of computing the 10% difference in marks, half percent of the marks assigned to the paper or a part thereof shall be taken into account and rounded off for next successive higher integer.

7. The revised marks obtained by the student after revaluation and as accepted by the University shall be taken into for the purpose of amendment of his/her result in accordance with the rules of the University made in that behalf.

8. For the purpose of this rule, revaluation of the answer books of the theory paper/s shall be considered as an additional facility provided to the students with a view to improve upon their results at the preceding University examination. It is being understood that delay in the declaration of revaluation result for any reason whatever, shall not confer any right upon the concerned to claim for admission to the next higher class. Such a matter shall always be regulated in accordance with the relevant rules or regulations framed by the University in that behalf.

9. If because of changed result the candidate attracts the provision of condonation of deficiency the same shall be applied in his case.

Mode of revaluation:
The answer book shall be re-examined by a different examiner of the choice of the Vice Chancellor. Though there is no revaluation for Term-end Examination, a student may make an appeal to the Vice Chancellor to look into his grievance if any. The Vice Chancellor if convinced may take necessary step to redress his grievance.

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