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SAI Sports Authority of India MYAS Scheme of Human Resources Development in Sports :

Organization : Sports Authority of India
Scheme Name : MYAS Scheme of Human Resources Development in Sports
Applicable For : Senior Level Trainees

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MYAS Scheme of Human Resources Development in Sports:
1.1 Excellent performance in sports and games at national and international levels is a matter of pride for all nations of the world. Countries have been utilizing sizeable resources and providing best of facilities to develop and sustain sports talent at the highest level. The performance in sports and games is one major yardstick of the nation’s quality of human development.

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1.2 The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) is the nodal Ministry in the Government of India to take care of the development of sports and games in the country. The Ministry is operating various schemes to achieve broad-basing of sports and excellence in sports. The ‘Scheme relating to Talent Search and Training’ is one such endeavor, providing financial assistance for training of promising sports-persons and their participation in major international competitions.

The Scheme also extends financial assistance for training and short-term courses (up to one year) for coaches and sports specialists; in addition, sports specialists are sponsored for attending seminars/conferences at international level; assistance has also been extended for holding coaching camps/seminars/conferences within the country.

1.3 The present scenario indicates the absence of adequate human resources in areas of sports sciences and sports medicine. These are vital areas requiring immediate attention, because the performance of an athlete depends significantly on the availability of right inputs from sports scientists and sports medicine specialists. It is considered necessary to identify and send eligible persons with the necessary qualifications and aptitude for advanced/specialized courses in these areas to Universities/Institutes of international repute with world class facilities so as to have such expertise in India.

1.4 Similarly, enough attention is not being given to research and publication in the field of sports and games. Adequate attention is required to be given to take up/encourage research work in sports-related matters which will have long term impact on excellence in sports and games in the country. Another area, which needs attention, is publication of outstanding works in sports making significant contribution to the available literature in the sports sector.

1.5 Therefore, the existing ‘Scheme relating to Talent Search and Training’ is being totally revised to include fellowship programme, R & D projects and publication proposals for financial assistance. The revised scheme will focus on the academic and intellectual side of sports management. This is vitally important if we are to improve the standard of sports in the country.

1.6 Under another existing scheme namely, ‘Scheme of Assistance to National Sports Federations’ (NSF Scheme), the National Sports Federations are being assisted for several purposes such as organizing tournaments inside the country, participation in international tournaments organized outside, purchase of equipment, organizing coaching etc. With the enhanced allocation, the NSF scheme should take care of the requirements for customized training of top level and promising sportspersons.

Therefore, the activities relating to training of sports-persons and participation in competitions will not be covered under TST scheme henceforth for financial assistance. However, financial assistance will continue to be extended for holding seminars/conferences and sponsoring sports specialists for attending international seminars/conferences.

1.7 Keeping in view the change in priorities and focus, the scheme is renamed as ‘Scheme of Human Resources Development in Sports’

2 Objectives:
The scheme aims at:
(i) Awarding Fellowships for specialized studies at Master’s and Doctoral level in specific disciplines relevant to sports and games;
(ii) Encouraging professionals in the field of sports to exchange ideas and enhance knowledge and skills through participation in Seminars, Workshops and conferences overseas and provide support for such seminars, conferences and workshops in the country;
(iii) Providing assistance to Match Officials for appearing in qualifying examinations; also providing assistance to Match Officials, Coaches and other Support Personnel for training/courses which help them improve their professional competence in their relevant areas of specialization;
(iv) Providing financial assistance for Research projects relevant to sports and games; and
(v) Providing financial assistance for publication of works of high quality, directly relevant to sports and games

3 Fellowship Programme:
3.1 Courses:
The Fellowship will be offered for advanced/specialized Master’s level courses/ specialized short duration courses and Doctoral programmes in the following nine disciplines.
(i) Biomechanics
(ii) Sports Nutrition
(iii) Kinesiology
(iv) Anthropometry
(v) Exercise Physiology
(vi) Sports Psychology
(vii) General Theory & Method of Training (GTMT)
(viii) Sports Medicine
(ix) Anti-doping

The duration of these courses will normally be 1 – 2 years for Master’s level courses and 2 – 4 years for Doctoral programmes.

A list of selected Institutions for each of the above mentioned courses will be released by MYAS. This list will be subject to annual review by the MYAS.

3.2 Selection process:
All the applications for the Fellowship will be scrutinized in the Department of Sports and shortlisted based on the following process:
(i) Candidates, who wish to avail of the Fellowship in any of the specified disciplines, shall take admission in an Institute figuring in the list of selected institutions;
(ii) Candidates shall submit their applications in the prescribed format along with all the required documents by the due date announced by the Ministry;
(iii) The documents submitted should be clear and legible, without which the application is liable to be rejected. Incomplete applications will also be rejected;
(iv) A short list of selected candidates would be prepared on the basis of the eligibility criteria defined in this scheme and the list of short-listed candidates will be posted on the Ministry’s website;
(v) Selected candidates will be required to submit all the documents in original to the Department of Sports for verification;

(vi) The number of Fellowships will normally be 10 in any given year; however this may be increased or decreased as per requirement. The Department will decide the number of Fellowships, discipline-wise and course-wise in each year;
(vii) Normally, employees from Central/State/UT Government and Autonomous Bodies fully funded by Government would be considered for Fellowship/ Ph.D Programme under the Scheme.
(viii) Preference would be given to candidates who have received financial assistance in part from the Institution offering admission or any other institution/ body; and
(ix) Efforts will be made to select a suitable number of women candidates for Fellowship.

3.3 Eligibility Criteria:
The following shall be the eligibility criteria for selection of candidates for Fellowship:
Eligibility Criteria Documents to be submitted The candidate should
** Be an Indian national currently based in India (PIO/ OCI not eligible)
** Copy of Passport or other identification such as a PAN card, Driving License, Aadhar Card etc.
** Birth Certificate or Secondary School Certificate indicating the date of birth
** Possess an admission or offer letter from the Institutions shortlisted by the Department for Fellowship with a break-up of the fee structure for the entire course
** Copy of Institution’s admission letter along with relevant details
** Obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from his or her employer in the event the candidate is employed at the time of application
** NOC duly signed by an authorized signatory of the candidate’s employing organization as per the prescribed format.
** Execute a surety bond with the Department on a Rs 100 non-judicial stamp paper, to work on contractual basis, if offered, with the Sports Authority of India or a designated organization/ Institute for a period of three years
** Bond signed by the candidate as per the prescribed format.

Not be more than:
40 years of age for Master’s level course; and
45 years of age for Doctoral programme

3.4 Financial Assistance:
3.4.1 The quantum of financial assistance would cover the following subject to maximum of Rs.5 lakhs annually.
(i) Tuition fee to the extent of specified duration of the Master’s level course or Doctoral programme; and
(ii) Examination fee as charged by the Institution (if separate from tuition fee) to the extent of normal duration of the Master’s level course or Doctoral programme
(iii) Living/maintenance allowance including local travel cost and accommodation depending on the location of the Institution as declared by the Department of Sports from time to time;
(iv) Allowance for Books/Equipment/Apparatus – Actual subject to maximum USD 500 in a year;
(v) International travel cost for one time return travel per year (economy class);
(vi) Visa fee; and
(vii) Medical Insurance

3.4.2 Details of country-wise Annual Allowance to provide for the costs as mentioned above (other than tuition fee and examination fee) will be decided by the Department.

These costs shall be revised at least once in every 3 years:
After selection of the candidates by the Department, the admissible amount of course and examination fee will be remitted by the Department of Sports either directly to the concerned Institution or through the candidate by electronic transfer or other arrangement; the remittance of fee will be on an annual/semester basis as required by the Institution.

Other allowances like living/maintenance allowance (including travel cost and accommodation) and book allowance will be given to the candidate on a six monthly basis divided equally as per the course/programme duration through electronic transfer to a designated bank account opened by the candidate or through an International Debit/Travel Card as per the choice of the candidate.

3.5 Other Mandatory Information:
3.5.1 Prior to application for Fellowship, candidates, if employed, should note that they will be solely responsible for getting relieved by their employers for undergoing the course.

3.5.2 After selection of the candidate under the Fellowship Programme:
(i) The finally selected candidates shall join the Institution within one year from the date of communication of selection. In case the candidate does not join within this specified period of time, the Fellowship will automatically get cancelled. No request for extension of time for availing of the Fellowship will be entertained under the scheme under normal circumstances;
(ii) Candidates shall not change the course of study or research for which Fellowship has been sanctioned;
(iii) Candidates who have not been promoted to the next academic year in the Institution, at which they are pursuing the master’s level course or the Doctoral programme, shall not be eligible for grant of any further financial assistance or a contractual posting;
(iv) Candidates shall provide a progress report to the Department on six monthly basis prior to release of the allowance, failing which the amount will not be released. Candidate shall also keep the Department informed of the academic results as soon as they are announced;
(v) Expenses (as defined in the section 3.4 on Financial Assistance) covered by the Fellowship would be strictly limited to the candidate;

(vi) In the event the candidate has received any financial assistance from the Institution offering admission or any other institution/body for a part amount, the financial assistance offered to the candidate by the Department will be reduced by such amount;
(vii) On completion of the course or programme, if offered, the candidate will work at an appropriate level/post on contractual basis for a tenure, as mentioned in section 3.3 on eligibility criteria, at a pay scale of Rs.15,600 – 39,100 plus a grade pay of Rs 6,600 post completion of a Master’s level course and a pay scale of Rs.15,600 – 39,100 plus a grade pay of Rs 7,600 post completion of a Doctoral programme;

(viii) If a candidate has furnished any false information/document, he/she shall be debarred from the Fellowship and if he/she has availed of it or is availing it, action will be initiated for recovery of the amount spent with 10% compound interest thereon. Such candidate will also be black-listed for future and the employed candidate will also have to face departmental action for such act, for which the Department of Sports will take up the matter with the respective employers;

(ix) In an emergency, the candidate is permitted to return to India for a specific purpose in connection with the emergency, after having duly informed the Department as well as the Institution of study. The candidate will, however, be required to bear the to and fro journey expenses for the visit and shall also not be entitled to receive maintenance allowance under the scheme for the period of being away from the place of his/her Institution;
(x) Any decisions on issues concerning candidates as may arise from unforeseen circumstances will be made by the designated Committee.

4.1 For attending seminars/workshops/conferences of repute overseas:
Professionals in the field of sports may be encouraged to exchange ideas and enhance knowledge and skills through participation in Seminars, Workshops and Conferences overseas. They may be assisted for attending such programmes of repute provided they are specifically invited for chairing the function or delivering the key-note address or presenting a research paper which has been specifically accepted for discussion in the event. The paper should either be of practical importance or outstanding academic value in the field of sports science or sports coaching.

Normally, employees from Central/ State/UT Government and Autonomous Bodies fully funded by Government would be considered for Participation in Seminars/Workshops/Conferences overseas.

4.1.1 Assistance may be considered for the following:
(i) Economy class Air fare by the shortest route from the place of residence to the venue, both ways, along with airport tax, local transport and other incidentals, which are of mandatory nature.
(ii) For journey inside the county, train fare by AC 2nd Class Sleeper, both ways, and local transport will be considered. In case the distance is more than 500 kilometres, air travel by economy class by the shortest route will be allowed.
4.1.2 Assistance will be decided after taking into account the support being provided by the organizer, which shall be adjusted while deciding the admissible amount.

4.1.3 Persons assisted under the scheme shall have to submit a self-contained report in triplicate on the deliberations in the seminar/workshop/conference along with specific suggestions for promotion of sports in India on the relevant subject, within 15 days of the completion of the event. Persons, who have failed to submit report within the scheduled time, will not be considered for assistance for future.
4.1.4 Persons once assisted under the scheme will be considered for assistance afresh only after two years.

For holding Seminars, Workshops and Conferences within the country
Assistance will be provided for holding Seminars, Workshops and Conferences in the country facilitating exchange of ideas and enhancement of knowledge/skills in achieving excellence in sports.

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