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Expressit Courier Tracking

Organization : Expressit
Service Name : Courier Tracking
Applicable States/UTs: All India

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Related : Overnite Express Web Edge Track :

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Services :
Payment Collection Solutions :
Upon receipt of statements for the transactions made, the customer has to make payments to the Company. These payments can either be direct through ECS or by cheque / cash.

Most enterprise customers in the BFSITRA verticals have the facility of drop boxes where the customer can drop his cheque payments.

These drop boxes are managed by outsourced vendors who collect these payments, update the records and handover the instruments to the Company or deposit them into the Company’s designated bank account.

If the customer defaults on making the payment by the due date, the Company, through an outsourced tele-calling agency, contacts him and reminds him to make the payment either directly, or via a personalized collection or by dropping off the cheque in the nearest drop box. Such services require expertise and need to be managed by professional agencies.

Expressit fills this requirement by offering end-to-end payment collection solutions through effective tele-calling and personalized payment collections; it caters to and fulfills critical areas of cycles & bucket management for Banks, Telecom and Insurance companies and ensures timely collection with the support of trained personnel.

Customer Acquisition Fulfillment :
In Customer Acquisition Fulfillment, we provide “End to End” Solutions to Enterprise Customers who outsource a “complete process” to a service provider as against the prevailing concept of outsourcing specific “tasks” in the process to different vendors and retaining the responsibility of appointing, controlling and coordinating the multiple vendors.

In its simplest form, End to End Solutions consist of :
Managing the entire life cycle from identifying the customer to acquiring the customer

In Acquisition we provide the following services :
** Form Fulfillment
** KYC fulfillment
** Data Base Curing
** Customer Acquisition for Credit Cards / Debit Cards

Values :
Expressit is a fair employer who employs people from various cultures and regions. Built on the values that define the way they do business Expressit believes in empowering the people to ensure accountability and responsiveness.
** Innovation
** Passion
** Quality
** Honesty

Being in the service industry, Expressit ensures that all HR processes are oriented towards quality recruitment, continuous skill upgrades, employee retention and satisfaction. Expressit also lays emphasis on goal setting and appraisal processes leading to personal growth.

About Expressit:
Expressit is a Customer Interface Logistics provider offering services that simplify the inherent complications, which are part of doing business in today’s world. The company offers 360 degree B2C logistics solutions to the Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Telecom, Retail and Aviation (BFSITRA) Industries.

Products & Services offered:
** Expressit Delivery Solutions
** Expressit Customer Acquisition Fulfillment
** Expressit E commerce Fulfillment
** Expressit Printmail Solutions
** Expressit Payment Collection Solutions
** Expressit International Solutions

Expressit strives to bridge the gap between customer expectations and service provider capabilities. The company constantly adapts to the ever changing requirements of the market thus enabling its customers to stay ahead of competition.

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