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APEDA Pack House Online Registration/Renewal

Organisation : Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
Facility : Pack House Online Registration/Renewal

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Pack House Registration/Renewal :
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Pack House Online Registration/Renewal :

APEDA has taken a progressive step towards Paperless processing and allows the applicants to submit their application for Registration/Renewal of their Pack houses Online.

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There is no need to submit any physical documents and it is a hassle free system which allows to track the status of applications anytime.

Applicant need to register on the system to create their login credentials. After successful login, they can submit an application for New Registration/Renewal of existing certificates online. Procedure of application filing is provided in the User Manual.

Some of the salient features of this system are:
** 100% Online filing and processing of applications
** Integrated payment gateway to transfer the fees online
** Alerts at each step of processing allow the applicant to know as soon as any deficiency is reported in the application submitted.
** Applicants can submit additional information that has been sought by APEDA online
** Certificates are generated with Digital Signatures so applicants can download the validated soft copy from their login. No need to collect the copy of the certificates physically.

To access online pack house registration/renewal system, applicant has to access APEDA website and click on “Unit Registration Registration/Renewal the applicant to know as soon as any application submitted Registration” tab under “Member Access” section.

Signup/ Login Page:
The online pack house registration/renewal system can be access with the login details of exporter provided at the time of APEDA registration. In case of new applicant, signup is required. For signup Click on “New User Signup”, then following details are required.
1. Registration Type : Pack House
2. Name of an applicant
3. Email Id
4. Mobile Number
5. Password
6. Confirm password
After submission of basic details and user has to verify the Mobile number & E-mail ID.

Verify Email Id and Mobile No. :
To verify Email ID and Mobile Number, applicant has to enter the OTP (One Time Password) received on email and mobile number. After entering OTP, Click on submit button for verification. After successful verification, system will automatically login the applicant on application page.

Application form (1) for Registration/Renewal :
Registration: By default Registration Type “New Registration” is selected.
Renewal: In Case of renewal user need to check Registration Type as “Renewal” then following information is required to input and rest of information will be same including payment and pack house profile.

After Login an exporter/applicant has to fill up all the details given on Form-I along with online payment. After that the application profile entry process starts for rest of the application.

The pack house profile application forms are divided into alphabet series like A, B, C till upload provision.

The step by step explanation of each screen is given below:
In 2nd form, applicant has to enter pack house information like product scope, region for export and total handling capacity as shown in image given below
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue.
Note: In case of any change in previous screen, click on previous button.

In 3 rd form, applicant has to enter pack house Exterior Information as shown in image given below
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue.

In 4th form, applicant has to enter pack house Interior Information as shown in image given below
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue.

In 5th form, applicant has to enter pack house Laboratory, Qualification facility and Transportation capacity as shown in image given below
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue.

In 6th form, applicant has to enter pack house Utilities as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 7th form, applicant has to enter pack house equipment maintenance, general storages, personnel health and hygiene as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 8th form, applicant has to enter pack house Record Maintenance as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 9th form, applicant has to enter pack house Personnel information as shown in image given below
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 10th form, applicant has to enter pack house grading and sorting line as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 11th form, applicant has to enter pack house Pre-cooling capacity, ripening capacity as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 12th form, applicant has to enter pack house Cold capacity, frozen storage capacity as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 13th form, applicant has to enter pack house irradiation, vapour heat treatment as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 14th form, applicant has to enter pack house Hot Water treatment, packaging and any other details as shown in image given below.
After filling all the required details, click on save and continue

In 15th form, applicant has to enter pack house upload the supporting documents as shown in image given below.
After uploading all the required documents, click on save and continue

Uploaded Document Preview: With view function he/she can view the uploaded documents. He has option to view the preview of registration form with all details given by him, before and after clicking on final submission
Note: Only .pdf or .jpg files up to 1 MB are allowed to upload.

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