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WBFIN Public Grievance Lodging & Monitoring System West Bengal

Organization : Government of West Bengal Finance Department
Service Name : Public Grievance Lodging & Monitoring System
Applicable States/UTs: West Bengal

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Grievance Redressal Monitoring System:

To ensure that the citizens of West Bengal get the responsive, accountable and transparent administration, redress of citizens’ grievances is one of the most important initiatives of the State Government.

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This Portal is hosted with an objective of speedy redress and effective monitoring by the State Government besides providing a fast access to the public.

The Grievance Redress Process Flow is as follows:-
1.Public Grievance Portal hosted at Entering Grievance Data into Portal by Operator
2. Ensuring authenticity of Complainant through ‘One Time Password (OTP)’ sent to his/her Mobile No. by PGMS system required for Submission of Grievance & Generation of Grievance Id. & Acknowledgement
3. Auto-SMS to the Complainant acknowledging receipt of Grievance
4. Auto-SMS Alert to the Nodal Officer of concerned Office (Department/Directorate/DM Office/Undertakings or the Sub-Offices)

5. Recipient Officer logs on to PGMS to:
(a) Assessment of Grievance
(b) Examines / Initiates to Redress
(c) Prepares a Reasoned Reply / Action Taking Note OR
(d) Forwards it to other office for Prompt Redress

6. Auto-SMS sent to Complainant informing Action Taken by Office
7. Complainant may view Online the Grievance Status / Action Taking Note
8. Complainant can also PULL information from ‘9231025205’ through SMS to know the Grievance Status / Action Taking Note.

For this, Complainant may send SMS to 9231025205 in the following format:-
<XPERT>Blank Space<PGMS><Numeric part of Grievance Id.>

For example:

Executive Summary:-
** The workflow based Public Grievance Monitoring System is made available at . The related link is made available at the bottom of home page of aforesaid portal.
** Department/Directorate/District Magistrate wise Administrator for the software is created.
** Provision is made so that Implementing Office specific link of the software may be placed at its websites. This is achieved through binding of IP Addresses of websites with PGMS s/w.
** The Administrators of Departments/Directorates/District Magistrate Offices/Undertakings can create Nodal Officers & Grievance Categories for its offices.

Contact Us :
Government of West Bengal Finance Department,
Shri K. Biswas
Additional Excise Commissioner – Systems
dcit.wb-excise [AT]

About Us :
The Finance Department, Government of West Bengal is responsible for management of finances of the State Government.

It is concerned with all economic and financial matters affecting the State as a whole including mobilization of resources and allocation of resources for infrastructural development, social welfare, human development and administrative purposes.

The major functions and activities of the Finance Department are budgeting and preparation of the Annual Financial Statement, approval of schemes pertaining to various Departments, monitoring of expenditure, facilitating collection of taxes through the Directorates under its administrative control, administration of Treasuries, Institutional Finance and internal audit of Government Departments.

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