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Kerala MVD Online Vehicle Registration for Dealers

Organisation : Motor Vehicles Department Govt. of Kerala
Facility : Online Vehicle Registration for Dealers

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1. For submitting the Application for Temporary Registration, click on the option ‘Delaer Login’ under the menu group “Login” in the Kerala Motor Vehicle’s site url

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 Related : Kerala MVD Change Address in Driving License :

2. On clicking the menu, the following page will be displayed and thedealer has to enter their Dealer ID and Password along with capcha and click on “Login” button.
3. On clicking the “Login” button the home page of Dealer will be shown.

4. To add/remove Makers Name associated with the dealership to the menu:
Click the ‘‘Dealer Panel ‘’ and select required item from the ‘Available Maker Names‘ and click the “>> ” button to add the maker name to the Selected Maker Names list . To remove, select an item from the Selected Maker Names and click the “<< ” button. The purpose of ‘‘Dealer Panel ‘’ is to make available the Maker Name and list of vehicles associated with them while entering the data for vehicle registration in the maker name selection list.

5. Click ‘’Vehicle Registration ‘’ and fill the details. All the mandatory columns should be filled properly and tick the check box in the Declaration part and click on ‘‘submit’’ button. The ‘‘submit’’ button will be enabled only if all the mandatory fields are correctly filled.

6. On clicking the Submit button, the following screen will appear which shows the Transaction Id (Application Number) of the application. Please note this for future reference. With this transaction id RTO staff can download the vehicle details for new registration through the web service. Here you can also verify if fees,cess,tax,servicecharge etc are correct.

7. The dealer can correct / Edit the data by clicking Edit Vehicle details. Vehicle data can be retrieved using the options Transaction Id or Chassis No. By Selecting the Option button Transaction Id dealer can enter the transaction Id in the textbox and click the ‘’Retrieve’’ button. Data once confirmed and submitted cannot be edited.

8. On clicking the ‘Retrieve’ button all the entered vehicle details will be retrieved and displayed. After editing the vehicle details, click the ‘Update’ button. The uploaded documents can be viewed in actual size by clicking on the image. Please confirm that all details are entered and documents are uploaded before confirming the details through ‘‘Vehicle Confirmation’’. Data can be edited as many times as needed before confirming the vehicle details through Vehicle Confirmation. The uploaded documents can be viewed in full size by clicking on the image.

9. Confirm the vehicle details by clicking Vehicle Confirmation. Vehicles to be confirmed will be listed. Click the ‘’Confirm’’ button against each Transaction Id.

10. The following screen will be displayed where the details can be edited if required. Before clicking ‘’CONFIRM’’ button make sure that all the details are correctly entered and documents in correct format and size are uploaded. Once confirmed, the details cannot be modified. Please select the temeporary registration office correctly before confirming the application.

11. On Successful submission of the application, the following screen will appear with an Application Number and the Amount to be paid. Vehicle Data Sheet can be printed through the Print button and the amount can be paid by clicking “ Pay Through Net Banking” button.

12. On clicking the “Print” button the vehicle data sheet will be displayed and the dealer can take printout of the vehicle data sheet.

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