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NSDL SPEED-e National Securities Depository

Organisation : National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL)
Facility : SPEED-e

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SPEED-e is a common Internet Infrastructure that enables the Depository Participants (Participants) to provide depository services to their clients.

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Related : NSDL IDeAS Internet-Based Demat Account Statement :

Demat account holders (including Clearing Members) subscribing to this facility can submit delivery instructions to their DP’s through SPEED-e website , instead of submitting delivery instruction slips (in paper form) to their DP’s.

The users of SPEED-e can also check latest balances and transactions in their demat accounts through a facility called Internet-based Demat Account Statement (IDeAS) and monitor the status of execution of instructions.


Who can avail of SPEED-e?
SPEED-e can be availed of by any demat account holder provided it?s DP has registered with NSDL for this purpose.

How do I know whether my DP is registered with NSDL for SPEED-e?
You can find out from your DP whether it has registered with NSDL for SPEED-e. Alternatively, you can log on to and click on ?sign up now? to find out the list of DPs who are offering SPEED-e services.

If I want to avail of SPEED-e services, how do I enroll / register for it?
If you wish to avail of this facility, you have the option of password based or smart card based access to SPEED-e. For password based access, you should fill up an online registration form by choosing your own ‘User-Id’ and ‘Password’ and then submit the duly filled-in registration form in person to your DP and sign an agreement with the DP.

The DP will authorise your request and thereafter you can start using SPEED-e with the User-Id and password. For smart card based access, you should fill up the ‘SPEED-e Application form’ available on the SPEED-e website or can be obtained from your DP and then submit the duly filled-in form to your DP.

After you sign an agreement with the DP, your DP will register you as a smart card user by assigning a User-Id and help you procure a Smart Card Kit, Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Personal Identification Number (PIN). Install the Smart Card Kit on to the computer and with the User-Id, DSC and PIN, you can start using SPEED-e.

What is the difference between Smart card based access and Password based access to SPEED-e?
In password based operation, the access is given on the basis of “What you know (User-Id & Password)”. The User-Id should be ‘Alphanumeric’ with minimum of three and maximum eight characters. The password also has to be ‘Alphanumeric’ with a minimum of eight and maximum of sixteen characters.

In smart card based operation, the access is given on the basis of “What you have” (smart card) and “What you know” (the PIN). The smart card based operation affixes digital signature to the transactions which is non-repudiable and authenticates that only the person possessing the smart card and knowing the PIN has submitted the instruction.

What are the benefits of using a Smart Card ?
**  Apart from what is stated in Answer to Q.5, the following are the additional benefits of using a smart card.
**  Smart card users can transfer securities to any account unlike password users where transfer of securities is permitted only upto three Pre-notified Clearing Member (broker) accounts.
**  Single smart card can be used to access all your demat accounts opened with the same DP.
**  Facility of Multiple Authorisation.
**  Your broker receives payment from the stock exchange [clearing corporation] ;
**  Freeze / unfreeze of account(s) / ISIN(s) and / or specific quantity of securities under an ISIN (for Smart Card Clients only).

What is meant by Pre-Notified Clearing Member accounts?Should this Pre-notified Clearing Member also be a user of SPEED-e?
The password users using SPEED-ecan deliver securities only in favour of Clearing Members (Brokers). At the time of registration, the user must notify the details of Clearing Members (upto a maximum of three) in whose favour the credit can be effected.

These Clearing Member accounts are referred to as Pre-Notified Clearing Member accounts. It is not necessary that the Pre-Notified Clearing Member is also a user of SPEED-e.

How does SPEED-e work?
SPEED-e is an Internet website that receives the delivery instructions from the registered users. These instructions are downloaded by the DPs, in batches, from the SPEED-e website for execution in the DP’s depository system.

The status of execution of instructions is updated on SPEED-e website. The information regarding balances and transactions in demat accounts is available to the subscribers of IDEAS.Thus, you can check balances in your account, submit delivery instructions to your DP and verify the status of execution of those instructions.

What are the benefits of SPEED-e?
The most important benefit of SPEED-e is the convenience of submitting delivery instructions.

You can access the SPEED-e website from anywhere in the world at any point of time, check balances in your account, submit the instructions and track its status.SPEED-e eliminates the requirement of having to give the delivery instructions in paper form.

Further, if you are a smart card user, you get an added benefit of freezing account(s) / ISIN(s) and / or specific quantity of securities under an ISIN through SPEED-e, which cannot be unfrozen even by your DP.

Can I also view my account on SPEED-e?
Yes. Through IDEAS, Clients as well as brokers can view details of transactions and balances in their accounts. The Brokers can also download this information to update their back-offices.

Whom do I contact for online help/assistance/trouble-shooting?
If you have any queries/suggestions/complaints, you can contact your DP. For any suggestions or any unresolved queries or complaints, you can contact NSDL at the following address:
Mr. Rakesh Mehta / Mr. Charles Mathew
SPEED-e Cell / IDeAS Cell
National Securities Depository Limited
TradeWorld, ?A?Wing, 4thFloor Kamala Mills Compound
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel – Mumbai-400013
Board Line : 91-22-24994200
Fax : 91-22-24976355 / 24994985
E-Mail : /

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