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STPI Chennai Software Technology Park STP & EHTP Scheme

Organization : STPI Chennai
Service Name : Software Technology Park STP & EHTP Scheme

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STP & EHTP Schemes

Software Technology Park [STP] Scheme is a 100% export oriented scheme for undertaking software development for export using data communication links or in the form of physical media including export of professional services.

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The society was set up to contribute to the prosperity of the national economy through promotion of exports from the Software & services Industry by facilitating all the statutory services of the Govt., strengthening the Communication Infrastructure and by increasing the quality consciousness in the Industry.

The benefits under the STP & EHTP Scheme:
** Approvals are given under single window clearance mechanism.
** An STP project may be set up any where in India.
** Jurisdictional Directors have the powers to approve import of capital goods (net of taxes) not more than US$ 20 million.
** 100% Foreign equity is permitted.
** All the imports of Hardware & Software in the STP units are completely duty free, import of second hand capital goods also permitted.
** Re-Export of capital goods are permitted.
** Simplified Minimum Export Performance norms i.e., (STP & EHTP scheme)

Procedure For Registration:
Procedure For Approval under STP Scheme:
** Units undertaking to export their entire production of goods and services may be set up under the Software Technology Park Scheme. Commensurate with the policy to give a special thrust to export of computer software, such units would be encouraged to be set up under the aforementioned export oriented scheme. Software units may undertake exports using data communication links or in the form of physical exports [which may be through courier services also], including export of professional services.

Submission of application :
** An application in the prescribed format for establishing a Software Technology Park unit is to be submitted to Software Technology Parks of India.
** The application should be along with the details of the Software Project in terms of strengths, area of expertise, marketing arrangement, business plans, means of finance, mode of export projected P & L and Balance Sheet [Optional]
** Each application should be duly signed in initials by the competent authority on each page of the application along with office seal of the company.
** The application should be supported by Certificate of Incorporation, under the Companies Act of 1956, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, of the company.
** Resume of the Chief Executive heading the STP operations.
** In case FIPB/RBI Approval for bringing in Foreign Equity or & NRI Repatriation of Capital is already obtained a copy of the approval should be accompanied with the application.
** In case the project is for setting up a STP as 100% Subsidiary/Branch office a copy of the incorporation certificate of the parent company along with the board resolution for setting up the subsidiary is to be attached with the application.
** Copy of the lease deed / sale deed for the proposed STP premises.
** Details of previous export performance if any along with copy of IE code.

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