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DSW Nagaland ICPS Integrated Child Protection Scheme

Organization : Department of Social Welfare
Service Name : Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)
Applicable State: Nagaland

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Integrated Child Protection Scheme :

The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), a centrally sponsored Scheme, with the primary aim of establishing a safety net of dedicated and quality personnel, structures and services for Child Protection across the country, was approved for implementation on 26th of February, 2009.

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The Scheme translates into programmes, the vision of a secure environment for all children, as envisaged in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, wherein their rights are ensured so that they can develop to their full potential.

Purpose of ICPS:
The Integrated Child Protection Scheme is expected to significantly contribute to the realization of Government/State responsibility for creating a system that will efficiently and effectively protect children. It is based on cardinal principles of “protection of child rights” and “best interest of the child”.

Objectives of ICPS:
The objectives of ICPS are to contribute to the improvements in the well being of children in difficult circumstances, as well as to the reduction of vulnerabilities to situations and actions that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children.

These will be achieved by:
** Improved access to and quality of child protection services.
** Raised public awareness about the reality of child rights, situation and protection in India.
** Clearly articulated responsibilities and enforced accountability for child protection
** Established and functioning structures at all Government levels for delivery of statutory and support services to children in difficult circumstances

Target Groups:

** Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP) as defined by the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
** Children in Conflict with law (CICL)
** Children in contact with law – as victim, witness.
** Any other vulnerable child (including but not limited to): children of migrant families, children of socially marginalized groups, exploited/trafficked/drug-affected children, children of prisoners/women in prostitution and children affected/infected with HIV/AIDS.

Government – Civil Society Partnership:
** In order to reach out to all children, in particular to those in difficult circumstances, the Ministry of Women and Child Development proposes to combine its existing child protection schemes under one centrally sponsored scheme titled ICPS.

** ICPS will function as a Government Civil Society Partnership scheme under the overarching direction and responsibility of the Central and State Governments. ICPS will work closely with all stakeholders including government departments, the voluntary sector, community groups, academia, and most importantly, families and children to create protective environment for children in the country.

** The Government of India (GOI) will have the primary responsibility for the development and funding of the scheme as well as ensuring flexibility by cutting down rigid structures and norms. The GOI will also create an integrated, live, wed-based database on children including child tracking systems and a Management Information System.

** It will be the responsibility of the State Governments/UT Administrations to ensure effective implementation of the scheme by quick devolution and utilization of the funds.

Civil Society Organization & Individuals:
It includes Voluntary Sector, Research and Training Institutions, Media and Advocacy groups, Community groups, local leaders, Volunteers, youth groups, families and children. To provide protective and conducive environment for children, to act as watchdog and monitor child protection services by inter-alia participating in the village and block level child protection committees.

The statutory mechanisms, as per the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Amendment Act, 2006, are as follows:
** Child Welfare Committee (CWC)
** Juvenile Justice Board
** Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU)
** Every district will have a CWC, JJB, and a SJPU.

Depending on the size of the district, population, and number of children, one or more of these can be established in a district.

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