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How to Register Marriage Assam

Organisation : Government Of Assam
Type Of Facility : Application For Registration Of Marriage

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Application For Registration Of Marriage

* Marked Fields are mandatory

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Related : How to get Permanent Residential Certificate Assam :

Applicant’s Details :
*Enter Applicant’s Name
*Enter Mobile Number
*Enter Date of Application

Permanent Address :
*Select State .
*Select District .
*Select Sub-Division
*Select Circle Office .
*Select Village/Town
*Select Post Office
*Enter Pin Code e.g 78xxxx

Bride’s/Wife’s Detail :
*Enter Bride’s/Wife’s Name
*Enter Father’s/Mother’s Name
*Enter Date of Birth
*Select Marital Status
*Enter Occupation
Enter Address Line1
Enter Address Line1
*Select State .
*Select District .
*Select Sub-Division
*Select Circle Office .
*Select Village/Town
*Select Post Office
*Enter Pin Code e.g 78xxxx
*Select Police Station
Enter Length of Stay at Present Address

Bridegroom’s/Husband’s Detail :
*Enter Bridegroom’s / Husband’s Name
*Enter Father’s/Mother’s Name
*Enter Date of Birth
* Select Marital Status
*Enter Occupation
Enter Address Line1
Enter Address Line1
*Select State .
*Select District .
*Select Sub-Division
*Select Circle Office .
*Select Village/Town
*Select Post Office
*Enter Pin Code e.g 78xxxx
*Select Police Station
Enter Length of Stay at Present Address

Marriage Details :
*Enter Marriage Date
*Enter Marriage Time
*Select Marriage Location

Witnesses Details :
Witness 1 :
*Enter Witness Name
*Enter Relationship
Enter Address Line1
Enter Address Line2
*Select State
*Select District
*Select Sub-Division
*Select Circle Office
*Select Village/Town/
*Select Post Office
*Enter Pin Code
*Select Police Station

Witness 2 :
*Enter Witness Name
*Enter Relationship
Enter Address Line1
Enter Address Line2
*Select State
*Select District
*Select Sub-Division
*Select Circle Office
*Select Village/Town/
*Select Post Office
*Enter Pin Code
*Select Police Station

Witness 3 :
*Enter Witness Name
*Enter Relationship
Enter Address Line1
Enter Address Line2
*Select State
*Select District
*Select Sub-Division
*Select Circle Office
*Select Village/Town/
*Select Post Office
*Enter Pin Code
*Select Police Station

Supporting Documents :
1. * Birth Certificate of Bridegroom
2. * Birth Certificate of Bride
3. *Proof of Address
4. *Witness 1 Address Proof
5. *Witness 2 Address Proof
6. *Witness 3 Address Proof
7. *Joint Photograph of Bride and Bridegroom –
8. Any other document

FAQs :
Why should I register with AMTRON SMS Gateway?
Registering with AMTRON SMS Gateway enables the user in receiving time to time updated details of the submitted e-forms & their related processings.

What happens when the session expires while filling the e-form?
While submitting the e-form, even after entering the correct captcha code, if the user encounters with a message “Enter Correct Captcha Code”, then it implies that the session has expired. Once the session expires, the user will not be able to submit the filled e- form.

What should I do when the session expires while filling the e-form?
When the session expires while filling the e-form, the user should click on the refresh button. Once he clicks on the refresh button, all the data provided by him gets removed & again he has to fill & submit the respective e-form.

Where can I get my submitted e-form status?
The user can get the submitted e-form status by filling up the parameter details in the Application Status tab under Xohari present in the home page.

The user can get the details by clicking on the Search button after providing any pre-requisite information such as Acknowlegement Number, Service Name , Department Name, Application Date etc.

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