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Rajiv Swagruha Apply Online For House : Andhra Pradesh

Organisation : Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd,Andhra Pradesh
Facility : Apply Online For House

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** As part of the Rajiv Swagruha Housing scheme, the APRSCL has provided an online application to facilitate potential customers to apply for a house or flat under this scheme with least effort to the user.

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** The application form is available from the corporation’s website.
** Go to the web site by typing in the web browser and click the Application link in the menu on the left side of the page
** The online application has just one form to be filled in and the software programme takes care of filling in the application form with relevant details provided by the applicant.
** The application is designed to be completed in four easy steps.
** The four steps of the application are made available through web tabs as seen in the screen above.
** The user is navigated automatically through each step in the process until the end.

Step 1: Enter all details as applicable.
Step 2: Application. Click the button “Save to your computer” to download the filled in form.
Step 3: Acceptance. Click the button “Save to your computer” to download the filled in form.
Step 4: Affidavit(s). Click the button “Save to your computer” to download the filled in form. Also, you can download all application-related forms from the link: Download as a single document.
Finally, send the filled in forms (either the single document or the set of multiple documents) to APRSCL after taking a print and appending your signature in the specified locations.

Procedure :
This section describes in detail the text and other details you need to provide in the application form.
The entire details for filling in the relevant forms are captured in Step 1. Steps 2 through 4 are required to save the filled in forms, print them and send them over by post to the corresponding General Manager (Projects), APRSCL.

The details of form filling for Step 1 are described below :
** The application requires you to make payment as notified in the application form and enter the details of payment in the form as prompted.
** To enable the application to notify the payment amount you will need to enter a few details at the outset.
** In order to know the amount you need to pay the corporation, start with choosing the house or flat from the list of municipalities provided.
** Also select the project in which you want to apply.
** You may view the notified areas of GHMC and GVMC by clicking the link on the right.
** You may also view the project specifications, if available.
** The project specifications link works only after you select a project from the list.
** The payment amount will be shown as soon as you select the housing category (house or flat) and then the plinth area beside it
** The payment details are displayed as shown the picture above.
** You are required to take a Demand Draft for the total amount displayed for your choice of housing in the project selected.
** Take the D.D. in the name of the corporation- Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Limited (APRSCL) for the said amount.
** In some municipalities only houses are constructed. If you select flats in such municipalities, then a message pops up
** After taking the D.D. in favour of APRSCL, enter the details in the form fields as above.
** If you would like to view the payment schedule, click on the link: Schedule of Payment.
** A window pops up to give the details. Close the pop up window to continue with the application.
** In the next section, you need to affirm that you do not own a house in the municipality or the corporation you have selected above
** You also specify whether this is a joint application.
** Leave this section if you are the only applicant.
** If you select Yes, then you will see fields for entering the co-applicant’s details.
** The co-applicant details are exactly the same as for the main applicant.
** For the purpose of availing a bank loan through APRSCL, please check Yes if you are interested; you may also see the check-list for availing this facility.
** In the next section of the application, you need to enter the details of the applicant.
** Enter the appropriate title as Mr., Mrs. or Miss, followed by name in three parts – ignore the middle name if absent.
** Enter the name of the person related to the applicant as son (S/O), daughter (D/O) or wife (W/O) as appropriate.
** Selecting the title automatically selects the relationship; just make sure it is correct or change if required.
** Provide both Date of birth and age in years. Select Yes if the applicant is self-employed.
** Choose next the occupation of the applicant.
** APRSCL needs a passport-sized photograph of the applicant in whose name the form is filled.
** You may upload a scanned snapshot of the applicant using the Browse… button provided for the purpose.
** The e-application requires the applicant to provide address for correspondence and an official address also.
** Optionally, you may provide a permanent address.
** After filling the office address, and if the correspondent address is the same as the official one, simply click on the check box and the programme will fill it in for you.
** If the permanent address is the same as office address or the address for correspondence, simply, click on the appropriate circle and the program will fill in the details for you, saving you time and effort.
** You need to enclose a few documents along with your application: Proof of income, Identification and a no-house affidavit.
** Just click on the circle appropriate for each section to indicate which certificate is being enclosed.
** You may upload scanned copies of the documents if you wish to, but enclosing physical documents is mandatory.
** Accept the terms and conditions in the next section
** Click the button to view the corporation’s terms and conditions.
** There is a button at the bottom of the page which says- I accept. Click the button to register your acceptance.
** The application will not process unless you click the I accept button on the terms and conditions page.
** Now you are ready to submit the application for further processing at the corporation’s end.
** Before you hit the submit button, make sure you filled in all the details correctly and have read and understood the terms & conditions and also the notes provided at the bottom of the application.
** The application prompts you to ensure correctness of the application details after you hit submit.

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