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Sikkim Open Government Data Portal

Organisation : Government of Sikkim
Facility : Open Government Data Portal

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Open Government Data Portal

Open Government Data Portal of Sikkim– – is a platform for supporting Open Data initiative of Government of Sikkim.

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Related / Similar Facility : Sikkim EMMIS System

The portal is intended to be used by Departments/Organizations of Government of Sikkim to publish datasets, documents, services, tools and applications collected by them for public use.

It intends to increase transparency in the functioning of the state Government and also open avenues for many more innovative uses of Government Data to give different perspective.

What are the best practices for Catalog/ Resource (Datasets/Apps) contribution?
Some of the best practices for contribution are as follows:
** Data should be stored in widely used file formats that are suitable for machine processing.
** Released dataset should clearly reflect “what is recorded about a particular subject”.
** Timely release of datasets is one of the important factors to maximize the utility of information people can obtain.
** Data should be provided in freely available formats which can be accessed without the need for a software license.
** Data elements should be in de-normalized form

What are the classifications of data?
** Different types of datasets generated both in geospatial and non-spatial form by Ministries/Departments shall be classified as shareable data and non-shareable data.
** The derived statistics like national accounts statistics, indicators like price index, databases from census and surveys are the types of data produced by a statistical mechanism.
** However, the geospatial data consists primarily of satellite data, maps, etc. In such a mechanism, it becomes important to maintain standards in respect of metadata, data layout and data access policy.

What are metadata Elements for catalogs/resources and their usage?

1 Catalog
Title (Required): A unique name of the Dataset viz. Current Population Survey <Year>, Consumer Price Index <Year>, Variety-wise Daily Market Prices Data, State-wise Construction of Deep Tubewells over the years, etc.

Description (Required): Provide a detailed description of the Dataset e.g., an abstract determining the nature and purpose of the catalog.

Keywords (Required): It is a list of terms, separated by commas, describing and indicating at the content of the dataset. Example: rainfall, weather, monthly statistics.

Group Name: This field allows agencies to provide a Group Name to closely related catalogs in order to show that they may be presented as a group or a set.

Sector & Sub-Sector (Required): Choose the sectors(s)/sub-sector(s) those most closely apply (ies) to your catalog.

Asset Jurisdiction (Required): This is a required field to identify the exact location or area to which the catalog and resources (dataset/apps) caters to viz. entire country, state/province, district, city, etc.

2 Resources (Datasets/Apps)
Category (Required): Choose from the drop down options. Is it a Dataset or an Application.

Title (Required): A unique name of the resource viz. Consumer Price Index for etc.

Access Method (Required): This could be “Upload a Dataset” or “Single Click Link to Dataset”.

Reference URLs: This may include description to the study design, instrumentation, implementation, limitations, and appropriate use of the dataset or tool. In the case of multiple documents or URLs, please delimit with commas or enter in separate lines.
* If Resource Category is Dataset
Frequency (Required): It mentions the time interval over which the dataset is published on the OGD Platform on a regular interval (one-time, annual, hourly, etc.).
Granularity of Data: It mentions the time interval over which the data inside the dataset is collected/ updated on a regular basis (one-time, annual, hourly, etc.).

Access Type: It mentions the type of access viz. Open, Priced, Registered Access or Restricted Access (G2G).
* If Resource Category is App
App Type (Required): It mentions the type of App being contributed viz. Web App, Web Service, Mobile App, Web Map Service, RSS, APIs etc.
Data Sets Used: Datasets used for making this app.
Language: Language used for app.

Date Released: It mentions the release date of the Dataset/App.

Note: It mentions the anymore information the contributor/controller wishes to provide to the data consumer or about the resource.

NDSAP Policy Compliance: This field is to indicate if this dataset is in conformity with the National Data Sharing and Access Policy of the Govt. of India.

What is metadata?
Data about the data is called metadata. Information about the datasets being published through a standard structure comprising of controlled vocabularies on government sectors, dataset types, jurisdictions, access mode, etc. Apart from facilitating easy access to data, it is useful for federation &amp; integration of data catalogs.

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