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AIOS Registration Membership Form : All India Ophthalmologiacal Society

Organization : All India Ophthalmologiacal Society
Service Name : Online AIOS Membership Form
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Online AIOS Membership Form:

The AIOS was established in the year 1930. It is a registered Society under the Society’s Registration Act of 1860. We have at present about 16,000 Members.

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1. The Society reserves all Rights to accept or reject any Application.
2. All the Columns should be Filled in properly
3. The Proposer and Seconder should be Ratified Life Member of the Society. Their Membership No., Mobile No and Email ID are compulsory. It should be ensured that the applicant has obtained the consent of the Proposer and Seconder.

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4. Documents to be attached with Application form:
a. Copy of Degree MBBS / MD
b. Medical Council Registration Certificate
c. Proof of Residence in India i,e. Copy of Voter ID Card / Adhar Card / Passport
d. Photograph of Applicant
e. Signature of Applicant

5. The Membership No. will be allotted and conveyed to the applicant only after reconciliation of payment and verification of all documents submitted.
6. Every New Member will initially be provisionally admitted and shall be deemed to have become a full Member only after formal ratification by the General Body of AIOS

Member Benefits :
** Print copy of Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (an Indexed Publication)- monthly
** Print copy of CME Series by the ARC and AIOS
** Print copy of Scientific Programme of annual conference (abstract book)

** Basic Clinical & Science Course of AAO at discounted rates (for residents only)
** Print copy of Proceedings of Annual Conference
** Print copy of Ready Recknor & AIOS guidelines.

** Participate in the Young Researchers (PG) Award session
** Eligible for AIOS – fellowship awards (Travel Fellowships for attending AIOS conferences; free foreign trip to attend AAO and ESCRS conferences in America and European countries)

** Participation on of Leadership Development Programmes of AIOS
** Eligible for Family Benefit Scheme of AIOS
** Access to Member Corner of AIOS Website

** Search Details, Address, Contact Details of fellow ophthalmologists and AIOS members
** Eligibility for Awards, Fellowship, Orations by AIOS.
** Reduced Registration fee for members at Annual AIOS conferences

** Receive Photo ID Card of AIOS Membership
** Participate in the general body and be part of the decision making process of the AIOS
** Part of Electoral process of AIOS

** Avail AIOS Fellowship in Super Speciality in Ophthalmology (FAICO : Fellow of All India Collegium of Ophthalamology)
** Avail fully Air Conditioned Guest Rooms at AIOS HQ Building in Delhi at a very nominal tariff.

7. For any information / clarification please contact:
Dr. Barun K. Nayak
Hony. General Secretary
All India Ophthalmological Society
8A, Karkardooma Institutional Area,
Karkardooma, Delhi -110092.

Tel:  011-22373701
Email: aiosoffice [AT] / secretary [AT]

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