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NRHM Gujarat Bal Sakha Yojana BSY Scheme : Health & Family Welfare

Organisation : NRHM Gujarat Health and Family Welfare Department
Facility : Bal Sakha Yojana (BSY) Scheme
Applicable State : Gujarat
Scheme Details :

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NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana Scheme

Gujarat state has already implemented various schemes like Chiranjeevi Yojana, Bal Bhog Yojana, Nutritious food with vitamins Yojana (Vitamin Yukta Poshan Ahar), kanya kelavani Yatra for saving the precious lives of mothers and children, fighting against malnutrition, take care of primary education and particularly education of girl child.

Related / Similar Scheme :
NRHM Gujarat Janani Suraksha Yojana

However, there is a need to consolidate efforts and redouble energies to attack the evils of maternal and child mortality. Since Neonatal Mortality Rate accounts for more than 70% of IMR, it was the need of the hour to focus on interventions to reduce mortality in first month of life.

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Bal Sakha Yojana was incepted in January 2009, to make accessible expert care by private pediatrician to all BPL and tribal children born under the ambit of the Chiranjeevi Yojana or in Government Health care institution. It is also meant for all the children upto 1 month age identified at risk by Mamta Abhiyan and IMNCI trained health worker as per protocols.

The Scheme is operationalised in two parts:
Balsakha Yojana Part 1
Balsakha Yojana Part 2

Bal Sakha Yojana 1

This part of scheme is applicable to all babies born in BPL, neo-middle class families (with income limit of Rs. 2 lakh) and Tribal APL families (Non Income Tax Paying) under Chiraneevi Yojana, or at CHCs and District Hospitals, where specialized pediatric services are not available.

Under this scheme, the pediatrician attends all eligible newborns at the place of birth and has to ensure their survival by providing early neonatal care including immunizations at birth, nutrition advice, etc.

The gynecologist has to ensure 2 days stay of mother and baby after delivery to cover dangers of immediate post partum period. In case the infant requires any further care, the baby has to be transferred and treated in the pediatrician’s NICU.

If the infant requires any high level of care such as ventilator care, the baby will be transferred to Level 3 NICU in medical college hospitals and given facility / money for ambulance charges.

A package of remuneration is worked out for a total of 100 babies covered as under:
Thus the pediatrician will receive Rs 2,69,000 for 100 consecutive babies treated. Transfer charges shall be given for transfer of babies from one facility to another by the pediatrician as above and will be reimbursed to him / her as per actual.

Balsakha Yojana Part 2

This is applicable to all babies born to BPL, neo-middle class (with income limit of Rs. 2 lakh) and Tribal APL families (Non Income Tax Paying) born at other places than those mentioned in part 1, i.e. born at home, sub centre or a PHC.

The babies born at all places are examined as per IMNCI protocols and those who are identified in Red zone i.e. those who require further medical assistance are referred to the private pediatrician partnering under this scheme.

The health worker such as ASHA or aanganwadi worker escorts the baby to the pediatrician and is paid incentive for this. The pediatrician will examine and treat 100 such children referred and will admit those who require indoor care. The transfer to higher level will be done as and when required as in part 1.

Output of the Scheme

The scheme has given tremendous results in the first year of its launch. A total of 173 private pediatricians have been empanelled under the scheme. Till October 2013, more than 2.5 lakh newborns have benefitted with specialized pediatric care services under this scheme.

FAQ On NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana Scheme

Here are some FAQ on the NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana (BSY) Scheme Gujarat:

What is the NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana (BSY) Scheme Gujarat?
The NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana (BSY) Scheme Gujarat is a government-sponsored scheme that provides free healthcare to newborn babies in Gujarat. The scheme was launched in 2013 and aims to provide early neonatal care, including immunizations at birth, nutrition advice, and follow-up care.

Who is eligible for the NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana (BSY) Scheme Gujarat?
All newborn babies in Gujarat are eligible for the scheme, regardless of their caste, creed, or religion. However, there are some exceptions. For example, children born to parents who are government employees or who have a monthly income of more than Rs. 2 lakh are not eligible for the scheme.

How do I apply for the NRHM Bal Sakha Yojana (BSY) Scheme Gujarat?
To apply for the scheme, you need to visit the nearest government hospital or primary health center. You will need to provide your child’s birth certificate, Aadhaar card, and income certificate.

Add a Comment
  1. My brother’s son is a premature baby. His weight is only 1200 Grams. So he has admitted at hospital. They said only Rs. 49000 covered in this scheme. Let me know, what is actual scheme and how much amount covered in this scheme.

  2. Before 6 months, My relative had given birth to twins in Ahmedabad hospital so we filled Balshakha Yojana form and Hospital bill was more than 3 lakhs and Hospital management said if we received the payment of Balshakha Yojana then we will refund the hospital bill which you paid. But till the hospital management is saying, we have not received any amount from this scheme. We think, they are trying to cheat us. So please can you tell me, how to check the scheme payment status.

    1. how to apply application in bal sakha yojana?

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