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Organisation : Egroops Electronic Governance For Registration of Partnership Firms and Societies
Facility : Society Registration

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Society Registration :

Egroops – An online software system developed by the Centre for Development of Imaging Technology(C-DIT) for the effective registration of Societies to the public.

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Related / Similar Service : Kerala PCB Online Consent Management System

The Egroops software is available through internet and can accessed by the authorized users of the system in the URL

Login: – All the users can enter the egroops software through the login option provided on the main screen of the software. Here the different users have to type their user names and password and click the login button to enter the software.

The Society Registration Department has two user types
o Society Clerk
o Society Registrar

Login Screen: – Authorized users can enter the E-Groups software through the login option provided in the main screen of the Software. Here users have to type their user name, password and click the LOGIN button.

When the user login for the first time, he is redirected to the change password screen as shown below
After changing the password the user can use that password for further logins.
User:-Society Clerk

Inbox: – The inbox of the Society clerk officer consist of different three sections.
** New Registration
** Rejected Applications
** Expired Applications
** Returns Filing

As shown in the fig below
1. New Registration: – Public those who submitted the application of new registration of society are under this new registration head in the inbox of society clerk. By clicking a particular application link, the society clerk will be directed to a page which is new registration application that forwarded by the public.

The clerk can verify the application, enter the society registration act and upload the memorandum of association of society then by clicking the next button application has redirected a new page of member’s details entry.

After the completion of member’s details entry and then select the option of verified and found correct or verified and found defective then by clicking the submit button the application form forward to the inbox of district society registrar .

2. Rejected Application: Society registrar has submitted the application of rejected new registration applications are under this rejected application head in the inbox of society clerk.

By clicking the particular application new registration form will displayed correct the application form and forward to the district society registrar as in the same case of new registration.

Other wise if you have delete the application by selecting the check box of the corresponding application and then delete link will click the corresponding application will delete from rejected application head in the inbox of the society clerk.

3. Expired Application:
public has submitted the application of new registration, but the public can’t attend the interview time, after the 30 days the applications are under this expired application head in the inbox of society clerk.

By clicking the particular application new registration form will displayed the application form and forward to the district society registrar as in the same case of new registration.

Other wise if you have delete the application by selecting the check box of the corresponding application and then delete link will click the corresponding application will delete from expired application head in the inbox of the society clerk.

Returns Filing Application:
The society had get user name and password after the registration. Using this username and password the society secretary can file the documents through online.

Society Secretary submitted the application of returns filing of society are under this Returns Filing head in the inbox of society clerk.

By clicking a particular application link, the society clerk will be directed to a page which is returns filing page that forwarded by the society secretary. The clerk can verify the returns filing application and forwarded to the Registrar of the Society Registration.

Society clerk login the menu bar contain following menu bar option Society Registration and Society Report as shown below

1 Comment
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  1. What will be the User ID and password once the registration is approved. No Email has been received on approval.

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