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HOW TO TALK TO YOUR CHILD (tips for discussing child safety) :
Who? :
A parent is the best person to teach a child about personal safety.

What? :
** Effective personal safety skills.
** Smart Thinking
** Strong Character
** Sticking Together

When? :
** Age and maturity matter.
** There is no perfect age when parents should begin teaching children about personal safety.
** A child’s ability to comprehend and practice safety skills is affected by age, educational, and developmental levels.

How? :
** LISTEN to your children.
** Know your children’s daily activities and habits.
** Listen to what they like and what they don’t like.
** Encourage open communication. Let your children know they can talk to you about any situation.
** Reassure your children that their safety is your #1 concern.
** TEACH your children.
** Set boundaries about places they may go, people they may see, and things they may do.
** Reinforce the importance of the “buddy system”.
** Its OK to say NO – tell your children to trust their instincts

Tips for parents to help their children stay safe :
Safety at Home :
** Children should know their full name, home address, home phone number and how to use the telephone. Post your contact information where your children will see it: office phone number, cell phone etc.

** Children should have a trusted adult to call if they’re scared or have an emergency.
** Choose caregiver/nanny with care. Obtain references from family, friends, and neighbors.

Once you have chosen the caregiver, drop in unexpectedly to see how your children are doing. Ask your children how the experience with the caregiver was, and listen carefully to their responses.

Safety in the Neighborhood :
** Make a list with your children of their neighborhood boundaries, choosing significant landmarks.
** Interact regularly with your neighbors. Tell your children whose homes they are allowed to visit.

** Don’t drop your children off alone at fair, market places, railway stations, bus stands or parks.
** Teach your children that adults should not approach children for help or directions.

Tell your children that if they are approached by an adult, they should stay alert because this may be a “trick.”

** Never leave children unattended in an automobile. Children should never hitchhike or approach a car when they don’t know and trust the driver.
** Children should never go anywhere with anyone without getting your permission first.

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