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Organization : Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Type of Facility : Learner’s & Driving License Test Slot Booking
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SARATHI Learner’s License Test Slot Booking

Click on the link “An appointment for Driving Test/LL Test” on the screen to go to LLSlotBook.
(OR) You can directly access the LL Slot booking through the URL

Related / Similar Service : Sarathi Status of License

Menu bar of the application contains five menus initially LL Slot Booking, DL Slot Booking, Cancellation, Sarathi on Web and HELP.

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LL Slot Booking has submenu LL Test for Online application, LL Test for Offline application

DL Slot Booking has submenu Driving Test for Online application, Driving Test for Offline application and For DL Transactions (Renewal etc.).

Cancellation has submenu Cancel LL Test Appointments, Cancel DL Test Appointments and Cancel DL Transaction Appointments.

Sarathi On Web Drives You To The Portal. Help drives you to open User Manual in PDF format. No need to Login to the site If you are an end user (OR) public to book a slot.

You just click on Lerner’s License SLOT BOOKING – LL TEST FOR ONLINE APPLICATIONS to enter in to the site. Then you will get below screen.

LL Test Appointment Service is Not Available for following States :
Andaman and Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, ChattisGarh, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura.

Here you need to enter details like:
Step 1 : Please provide web application number provided when application submitted online
Step 2 : Enter Applicant DOB
Step 3 : Enter verification Code
Step 4 : Click OK button

** This screen displays your application details which you mentioned at the time of your application submission. At this level you will be stopped if you are already taken the LL Appointments by displaying a message as
** LL APPOINTMENT IS ALREADY TAKEN and also the CONFIRM BOOK button will be disabled. Here you can REPRINT your slot book confirmation slip if you have already taken the LLAPPOINTMENTS Then you will be provided the following screen of CONFIRMATION OF BOOKING. You can also save it as a Pdf file or directly can take a print from here.
** Click on PRINT button to print the Confirmation Slip from here,
** (OR) You can save the slip as PDF file by Clicking on SAVE AS PDF button. Below is the PDF file format of your confirmation slip.
** In the other case if you are not already taken the LL APPOINTMENTS then, the screen of details is same but the REPRINT button is disabled and CONFIRMATION button is enabled.
** Click on CONFORM TO BOOK button to forward to book a slot.
** Your next screen is shown below. This shows you your application details and a calendar which includes the links of indexes as mentioned behind the calendar.
** The Calendar Indicators indicate the respected behaviour and status of the dates with in the calendar. Click on one of the available slot dates in the calendar.
** Then a small subpanel will be appeared displaying available slot timings on selected date.
** Select among one of the times displayed, up till here you will not be allowed to book the slot since the Book Slot button is disabled. It will be under disable status up till one time slot is selected.
** So select one of the time slot and then click on Book Slot button then it forwards to preview page for taking confirmation for slot booking.
** Click on CONFIRM TO SLOT BOOK button to conform your test slot booking. Then you will be provided a confirmation slip with your details as show below.
** You can take the PRINT directly or can save as PDF file.

SARATHI Driving License Test Slot Booking

(Public need not to login for booking a slot. Login procedure is required only for Dept. Staff for masters updating or reports generation etc.)
APPLICATIONS to enter in to the SARATHI site. Then you will get below screen.

Driving Test Appointment Service is Not Available for following States:
Andaman and Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, ChattisGarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Pondicherry, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, West Bengal.

Following are enter details like:
Step 1 : Application Number — which is provided to applicant at the time when  Applicant submitted the application online.
Step 2 : Date of Birth — Applicant Date of Birth.
Step 3 : Enter Captcha code shown below.
Step 4 :  Click on OK.

Then you will be driven to the following screen.
** Before proceeding to Slot Book, Click at least one Class of Vehicle for taking Appointment. After selection CONFIRM TO BOOK button will enable.
** If there is no permission to take slot booking for Class of vehicle, then that class of vehicle shows in red colour.
** For Selecting all Class of Vehicles click SELECT ALL button.
** Click on CONFORM TO BOOK button to forward to book a slot.
** The next screen is shown below.
** This shows the application details and a calendar which includes the links of indexes as mentioned behind the calendar.
** The Calendar Indicators indicate the respected behaviour and status of the dates with in the calendar.
** Click on one of the available slot dates in the calendar.
** Then a small subpanel will be appeared displaying available slot timings on selected date.
** Select among one of the times displayed for all Class of vehicles, up till here you will not be allowed to book the slot since the Book Slot button is disabled. It will be under disable status up till one time slot for each Class of Vehicle is selected.
** So select one of the time slot for each Class of Vehicle and then click on Book Slot button to conform your test slot booking.
** Then it will be provided a confirmation slip with your details as show below.
** Click on CONFIRM TO BOOK button then it provided a report with your details as shown below.
** Click on PRINT button when directly take the print or save as PDF file.

LL Test Appointments Cancellation

1. Cancel LL Test Appointments:
** If applicant have already taken LL Appointment and to cancel that
** Appointment then go to Cancel LL Test Appointments.
** For Cancel LL Test Appointment, click the following link.

Following enter details like:
Step 1Application Number — which is provided to applicant at the time when Applicant submitted the application online.
Step 2 : Date of Birth — Applicant Date of Birth
Step 3 : Enter Captcha code shown below.
Step 4 :  Click on OK.

Then you will be driven to the following screen.
** Click on CANCEL APPOINTMENT button it ask confirmation for cancellation of appointment as below screen.
** Click on CONFIRM TO CANCEL APPOINTMENT button it cancel the appointment and shows the user result message in next page.

Here Cancel DL Appointments allow to at least one day before of the Test Date.

2. Cancel DL Test Appointments
** If applicant have already taken Appointment and to cancel that Appointment
** then go to Cancel DL Test Appointment.
** For Cancel DL Test Appointment, click the following link.

Following enter details like:
** Application Number — which is provided to applicant at the time when
** Applicant submitted the application online.
** Date of Birth — Applicant Date of Birth
** Click on OK. Then you will be driven to the following screen.
** Before proceeding to cancel the Driving Licence Appointment to select at least one
** class of vehicle for which Appointment want to be cancel. After selection, CANCEL
** APPOINTMENT button will enable.
** For Selecting all Class of Vehicles click SELECT ALL button.
** Here Cancel DL Appointments allow to at least one day before of the Test Date.
** Click on CANCEL APPOINTMENT button to cancel selected Class of Vehicles
** Appointments will be cancelled

Some Important Information From Comments

Error / Problem:
1. When I am trying to book “DL TEST APPOINTMENT” with application number it through error message “Entered Application Number 1903580718 is approved. Slot booking is not allowed.” What should I do?

2. I tried to book DL slot but, it always shows that incorrect application number. But it is correct number. They told me to install internet explorer 6.10 to book slot. I don’t know why but, they still want 6.10 version to book slot.

3. I have tried to book my slot but the class of vehicle check box is disabled, (or) the permission to class of vehicle is disabled. What can I do to enable it? Please some one help.

4. I have booked online appointment but, due to political disturbance & bandh. I was not able to attend it. Now, when I try to reschedule & cancel it. It shows appointment is already booked. 5 days were already passed for date of appointment. Please guide how to reschedule.

FAQ On Sevaarth Mahakosh

Sevaarth Mahakosh is an online platform used by the government of Maharashtra to manage employee payroll and other related tasks. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) on Sevaarth Mahakosh:

What is Sevaarth Mahakosh?
Sevaarth Mahakosh is an online platform developed by the government of Maharashtra to manage employee payroll and other related tasks for state government employees.

What services are offered by Sevaarth Mahakosh?
Sevaarth Mahakosh offers various services related to the management of employee payroll and benefits. This includes the processing of salary and allowances, management of leave and attendance, pension calculation and disbursement, and other related tasks.

Who can access Sevaarth Mahakosh?
Sevaarth Mahakosh is primarily intended for use by state government employees in Maharashtra. However, other authorized personnel such as department heads and HR managers may also be given access to the platform as required.

How do I access Sevaarth Mahakosh?
Authorized users can access Sevaarth Mahakosh by logging in to the platform using their designated user ID and password. Access may be granted by the appropriate authority in accordance with established protocols.

Add a Comment
  1. When I am trying to book “DL TEST APPOINTMENT” with application number it through error message “Entered Application Number:1903580718 is approved. Slot booking is not allowed.” What should I do?

  2. I tried to book DL slot but it always shows that incorrect application number. But it is correct number. They told me to install internet explorer 6.10 to book slot. I don’t know why but they still want 6.10 version to book slot.

  3. I completed my DL test. How many Days required to take license?

  4. How to take learning license appointment online?

  5. What will be get appointment after failed to test for LL license?

  6. How can I get application form ?

  7. I take driving test appointment. But not open my web application. So what can I do?
    My learner license one month date is 17/06/2016.

  8. I have lost the LL, taken FIR from Police Station. Now what is the next procedure?

  9. I have tried to book my slot but the class of vehicle check box is disabled, or the permission to class of vehicle is disabled. What can I do to enable it? Please some one help.

  10. At what time new booking slots available? Because I am unable to get booking slot.

  11. I have taken permanent license from Thane RTO which is now due for renewal in February 2016. Now I am shifted to Pune and staying in Pimpri. How I can get my driving license renewed?

  12. I am not able to book the slot. Select the Vehicle Class Check book, am unable to check this box.

    Please help!!

  13. I have got my learning license on 14th Oct and today I am trying to book the slot. There is no slot available before my learning license expired.
    Would it be fine to book a slot after expire learning license? Or is there any other way to book prior expire date? Appreciate any response. Thanks.

  14. I am not able to book the slot for permanent license(two wheeler gear), the date available is on April & my LL expiration date is in march. So please help me out solving this issue.

  15. Driving license test exam date choose and tell me for exam

  16. I am not able to book the slot. Select the Vehicle Class Check book, am unable to check this box.

    Please help!!

  17. Acrobat reader is showing access denied! and can’t fill anything on form?
    Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Try to open this application in IE9 & above

  18. I am not able to select RTO in the form and so the form isnt getting submitted.

  19. I have received my learning license on 22.8.2015 at mumbai andheri rto. Now on 13th Sept when I am trying to book my slot for driving license test. I am unable to get any slots. Kindly guide me how to proceed?

    1. I have received my learning license on 03/01/2017 at Mumbai Andheri RTO. Now on 6th Feb when I am trying to book my slot for permanent driving license test. I am unable to move beyond Documents in the form. Kindly guide me how to proceed?

  20. When will next slot booking open?

  21. I have obtained the learning license. Please tell how to book the slot for driving licence test?

  22. I have booked online appointment but due to political disturbance & bandh. I was not able to attend it. Now when I try to reschedule & cancel it. It shows appointment is already booked. 5 days were already passed for date of appointment. Please guide how to reschedule.

  23. How should I apply when i cant open the site?

  24. After appointment online whether any hard copy to bring with us at RTO office is required?

  25. How can I apply for learner driving license?

    1. how can I download learning license online booking?

  26. How can I get application form?

  27. When will be next date to activate for booking the slot?

  28. I have filled my form for DL license on 9th July and now I am trying to book but slots are not available. I want to know when will be the next date activate for booking?
    Please let me know when the dates will get activated for booking.

  29. Unable to book a slot for DL Web App. No. 9303986 DOB: 03-07-1996.
    Please help me out with this.

  30. I have filled my form but unable to book an appointment on slot booking

    1. Login with your application number and DOB to do slot book

  31. How can I get application form?

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