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Organization : Minorities Development & Finance Corporation West Bengal
Facility : Make Complaint

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About Us
WBMDFC was established in 1996 as per West Bengal Act XVIII of 1995, ie The West Bengal Minorities Development and Finance Corporation Act, 1995. The functions of the Corporation are to take generally the task of economic welfare of the minorities through Industrial, Commercial and Cultural activities.

The minority communities are Muslims, Sikh,Christian, Buddhist and parsee as per notification of Govt. of India. The Govt. of West Bengal has also notified Jain Community as a Minority Community but as this community is not on the Central government List, it can avail benefits of only those schemes which are undertaken out of the fund granted by the State Government.

Highlights of Achievements of WBMDFC :
** WBMDFC continues to be at No. 1 position in the Country in terms of self employment scheme of NMDFC.
** Scholarship & Self Employment Schemes – Cumulative Disbursement Crossed Rs. 660 crores
** Scholarship & Self Employment Schemes : Beneficiaries of Loan Schemes – 1.78 lakh

FAQs :
1. What is WBMDFC ?
The West Bengal Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (WBMDFC) is a Statutory Corporation under the Govt. of West Bengal

2. Why WBMDFC ?
1. Disbursing Loans to the future entrepreneurs in colaboration with the west Bengal Govt. , Banks, and NMDFC.
2. Promoting the Beneficiaries Product and/or Services

3. Providing the Technical/Business/Marketing training to the future entrepreneurs.
4. Cultural development of the Minority communities
5. Extending other financial assistance to the minorities communities

3. What are the Thrust areas of Business to be financed?
A. Small business and service sectors.
B. Agricultural & allied sectors.
C. Artisian & Handicrafts.
D. Transport Sectors.

4. Who can apply for the Loan?
Any Indian citizen fulfilling the following criteria are eligible
1. The beneficiary must be a permanent resident of West Bengal
2. He / She must be one of the notified minorities —- i.e. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and Parses.

3. The family income of the beneficiary must not exceed the double poverty line i.e. Rs. 31,952/- in rural areas and Rs.42,412/- in Urban areas.
4. He / she should have adequate experience, training / aptitude in that activity

5. He / She is not a defaulter in respect of loan taken from any
6. Bank / Financial Institution for similar purpose

5. How to apply?
When the corporation invites applications, the candidates will submit applications in the prescribed format in Panchyat Samity Office and to Sub-divisional Office in rural and municipal areas respectively. In calcutta – G.M., DIC, Calcutta will receive the applications.

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