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Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa Advocates Welfare Fund/Medical Scheme

Organization : Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa
Service Name : Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund/Medical Scheme
Applicable States/UTs: Maharashtra & Goa

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Bar Council Of India Advocates Welfare Fund:

Scheme For Granting Financial Assistance To Indigent Practising Advocates When Suffering From Serious Ailment

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Related :  Maharashtra Gramin Bank Term Deposit Scheme :

About Medical Scheme:
(1) These rules shall be known as “Rules for grant of financial assistance to indigent practising Advocates suffering from serious ailment” and shall apply to all such practising Advocates on the roll of State Bar Council.
(2) These rules shall come into force from the date of approval by the Bar Council of India.

(I) Any indigent Advocate suffering from a serious ailment and who is otherwise eligible to apply shall make an application for appropriate financial assistance in the prescribed form or in a form similar to the prescribed form addressed to the Chairman of the State Bar Council in duplicate through the Managing Committee of the concerned Bar Association where he is practising and of which he is a member.

(II) Such application shall be accompanied by a certificate certified by a doctor attending the applicant with necessary bills of the hospital / treatment.
(III) On receipt of such application, the Managing Committee of the concerned Bar Association shall verify and scrutinize the application, certificate and bills and after its due satisfaction shall forward the same to the Chairman, State Bar Council along with its resolution.

4(A) On receipt of such application either through the Managing Committee of concerned Bar Association or directly by State Bar Council, the Secretary of Bar Council shall place the same before the Advocates Welfare Committee after satisfying due compliance for the purposes of sanction of the committee.

(B) If the application is not in the proper form and with necessary accompaniments the Secretary shall call upon the concerned applicant to make necessary compliances within a period of 15 days and then forward the same to the welfare committee.

(5) The Welfare Committee on such reference shall scrutinize the case of a concerned applicant and after satisfying itself as to the genuineness and need of applicant may sanction such amount as may be reasonable and necessary to meet the expenses of any such operation or a treatment connected with the serious ailment not exceeding Rs.15,000/- and may also sanction such monthly assistance to applicant towards the cost of treatment, medicine, and maintenance of applicant and his family for a period of three months at the rate not exceeding Rs.1,000/- per month or may even reject the same.

(6) In case the Advocates Welfare Committee for the State considers in a given case that financial assistance is utmost necessary beyond the limit, provided under Rule (5), it shall refer to the BarCouncil of India with its comments. The Advocates Welfare Committee of the Bar Council of India may sanction a sum upto Rs.10,000/- for treatment of the ailment.

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