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HMT Applications for Supplier Registration

Organisation : HMT Limited
Facility : Applications for Supplier Registration

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HMT Limited invites interested parties for enlistment as suppliers to the company.

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Related : Airtel Online Supplier Registration Form :

Applicants shall be short-listed for further consideration, after evaluation of relevant documents submitted, and if found necessary, the Vendor Development Committee will conduct an inspection of the facilities. Enlistment as approved supplier could entail successful execution of a trial order.

Suppliers interested in partnering with HMT are requested to fill-in the Registration Format as per the instructions given below and submit the same to the relevant unit/s of HMT along with all the supporting documents required.

Please note that before the assessment of this application can be completed, a representative from HMT may contact you concerning the financial and technical information that you provide. Your co-operation is required to assist in the assessment process.

The assessment report is for use by HMT for the purpose of assessing the Suppliers for registration and will be treated as strictly confidential.

Instructions for filling the Format :
** All columns in the form are to be filled up. If applicant has no information to fill in a particular column, “Nil” may be mentioned. In case of columns not relevant in the applicant’s case, “Not applicable” may be mentioned. No columns should be left blank.

** Please attach separate sheet if the space provided is insufficient.
** For any other information, separate sheet may be attached.
** Please ensure that all required enclosures are attached and the list of enclosures is filled up.
** All sheets of the form are to be signed by the authorized signatory.

** Please complete all sections of the form & sign the declaration and send completed form and attachments in an envelope marked “Application for Registration as Approved Supplier” to the Chief of Purchase Department of the Unit concerned.

** Any information / clarification required during evaluation must be given expeditiously. Failure to co-operate may affect registration.

I / We declare and confirm that:
a. All the Conditions of Registration proposed by HMT LIMITED are acceptable to us.
b. All information and attachments submitted with the application are true and correct.
c. I / we are aware that any false information provided herein will result in the rejection of my application and cancellation of any registration granted.
d. I / we shall be bound by the acts of the duly appointed attorney who has signed this application and of any other person who in future may be appointed by us in his place whether or not an intimation of such changes has been given to HMT LIMITED.
e. I / we undertake to communicate promptly to HMT LIMITED any changes in the condition or working of the firm.
f. I / we have read and understood HMT LIMITED’s General Conditions of Contract and agree to abide by the same in all respects.

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