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All posts from Online Grievance Monitoring System : Kanyashree Prakalpa West Bengal

Organisation : Kanyashree Prakalpa Govt. of West Bengal
Facility : Online Grievance Monitoring System

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Grievance Monitoring System here :
Website :

Grievance Monitoring System :

i) Enter Kanyashree Application ID
ii) Select Year
iii) Click on “Show” Button

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Related / Similar Service : Kanyashree Form Serial Number

All efforts have been made to make the information as accurate as possible, WCD, Govt. of West Bengal or National Informatics Centre (NIC), will not be responsible for any loss to any person caused by inaccuracy in the information available on this Website. Any discrepancy found may be brought to the notice of WCD, Govt. of West Bengal or NIC.

Grievance Mechanisms :
1. Women’s Grievance Cell operating under the Department of Women Development & Social Welfare at Districtlevel will also serve as grievance cell for Kanyashree Prakalpa.
2. A helpline will be set up for the scheme under the cell.

To develop a common portal of all data on scholarships and to support SMS based mechanism for grievance redressal

Who is eligible for annual scholarship scheme?

All unmarried girls within the age of 13-18 years and Enrolled in classes VIII-XII in government recognised regular or equivalent open school or equivalent vocational/technical training course.

Who is eligible for one-time grant?

All unmarried girls who have turned 18 on or after 1st April 2013, are enrolled in and regularly attending an institution of education or vocational/technical or sports training or are inmates of J. J. Home

What documents have to be produced?
** Declarations (by applicant/inmate of J.J. Home or their parent/guardian) of being unmarried, family income being less than Rs 1,20,000/- (signed by appropriate authority)
** Declaration of both parents being deceased by guardian or applicant, if applicable (signed by appropriate authority)
** Proof of age (declaration signed by Head teacher or Superintendent of J.J. Home or Birth certificate if available)
** Proof of being enrolled in institution (declaration signed by Head of the institution or Superintendent of J.J. Home)
** Disability Certificate if applicable
** Photograph

Do I need to apply for the Annual Scholarship every year?
No, you do not need to apply for the annual scholarship every year. Once you have enrolled in the Annual Scholarship Scheme, in successive years (till you turn age 18) your Head Teacher will renew your scholarship for you.

At the time of renewal, you will however, have to give a written statement to your Head Teacher declaring that you are still unmarried. However, once you turn 18 and are eligible for the One-Time Grant – the process is not automatic.

You need to fill up the One-Time grant application form and provide all the necessary certificates and signatures and submit them to the institution you are currently studying in.

What is my Kanyashree ID, and why is it important?
Once your application is uploaded on the Kanyashree Portal, a unique identification number is created for you. This number, along with your Form Identification no. is used to track your application on the portal. Collect your ID from the HOI after your application is uploaded.

Who do I go to for help?
Your teachers and head teachers should be able to give you all the help you need to apply for the scheme, to track your application online, and follow up with the government so that you receive your money.

If however, your institution is unable to give you all the answers you need, or is not helping you apply for Kanyashree Prakalpa, you can do the following :
** You must contact your nearest block or sub-divisional office.

** Every district also has a Kanyashree Nodal Officer – you will find a list of all Kanyashree Nodal officers at
** The Kanyashree Portal also has a section called “Online Grievance Redressal. You may log onto the portal and create an online complaint.

PLEASE REMEMBER – there are lakhs of girls applying for Kanyashree, so it is important that you keep the following information handy, and provide it correctly whenever you are approaching anyone for help – even your teachers.

You must provide :
1]Your name, institutions name, and your birth date.
2]Your Form Serial No.
3]Your Kanyashree Identification No (20 digit).
4]Your Bank Account No.

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