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All posts from File Tracking System FTS : Ministry of Minority Affairs

Organisation : Ministry of Minority Affairs
Facility : File Tracking System (FTS)

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File Tracking System :

FTS is a web based application to monitor the pendency of receipts and files and assist in their easy tracking.

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Related : Ministry of Minority Affairs Nai Roshni Scheme for Leadership :

It is an integrated package which has features right from diarizing of receipts/files, updating its status, opening of new files, tracking the movement of the files, dispatch of letters/files and finally records management.

The application has been developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), based on the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMoP) of the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG).

Contact Details :
Help Desk : +91 11 24305794, +91 11 24305795 email: techsupport[at]
eOffice Project Division, National Informatics Centre, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Looking for your valuable feedback atopa[at]

Guidelines for creation of Receipt/File :
** Users are mainly categorised into three levels for the purpose of file/receipt entry: Officer Level, Section Level and CRU.
** Files are created / closed by Section level users only.
** When officers initiate a note that is to be sent for approval, it is to be created as a “Receipt”. Once the note is approved, it is then sent to the concerned section and it is here that the “File” is created.
** For eg: when an officer level user requires the approval for a system, the note for approval is to be created as a “receipt” and not as a “file”. After the approval, the note is send to the section where a main/part file is created/opened by the section concerned.
** However, in few exceptional cases, some officers (officer level users) are given the privilege to open new files under the section under them. Before creating files on behalf of the section, it should be ensured that their officer account be mapped to the concerned section
** If an officer level user creates a file without mapping to a section, then the file created by the officer will not be visible.

FAQs Related to File :
Q1. What is a File?
Ans. File is a collection of papers on a specific subject matter assigned with a file number and that consists of one or more of the following parts:
1. Correspondence
2. Notes
3. Appendix to Correspondence
4. Appendix to Notes

Q2. What is SFS and Non-SFS?

Ans. These are two types of files based on the File Numbering System as follows:
1. SFS (Single File System)-
2. Non – SFS Let’s learn about these types one by one.

SFS- Files created under SFS do not follow a pre-defined standard format and the file No. can be entered in a free format up to 35 characters. For example: C404/90/fin Non-SFS- Non-SFS files are the files that follow a standard format. For example: AV.11012/001/09-Admin. Here, AV: represents Group Head 11: Main head 012: sub head 001: srl. No 09: year Admin: section

Q3. Who can create a new file?
Ans. Files are created by Section level users only. However, in some exceptional cases, some higher officers (officer level users) are given privilege to open new files under the section they lead. Before creating files for their section they should ensure that their account is mapped to the concerned section also.

Q4. Who can close a file?
Ans. Files can be closed by section level users only.

Q5. What is Class in the “New” File Creation option?

Ans. Class represents the classification for retention period of the file after the action on the issues considered on the file has been completed.
A is the highest while C is the lowest.

Q6. How to change the file number if entered wrongly?

Ans. The system does not allow changing a file number once created. The best practice is to “Close” the said file with the remarks stating the reason for why it has been closed and the start/ create a fresh file.

Q7. Who can edit file and what?
Ans. File can be edited by the creator only, if and only if the file is available in Inbox. Once the file is moved it cannot be edited. All fields such as Subject, Class, Category, Previous Reference, Next Reference, Remark except type, file no and opening date can be edited.

Q8. How do I attach/detach a receipt from a File?
Ans. To attach a receipt with a File, certain points should be fulfilled:
1. Both the file and the receipt should be present in inbox.
2. It is necessary to enter the details of Dealing assistant and Section Received date for the receipt to be attached with file.

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