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All posts from Palamitra Dairy Vikas Scheme : Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank

Organisation : Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank
Facility : Palamitra Dairy Vikas Scheme

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Details :
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Palamitra Dairy Vikas Scheme :

Purpose :
Financial assistance to small and marginal and tenant Farmers with focus on women folk under group approach, to improve rural economy through employment opportunity and o increase milk production through organized sector.

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Related : APGV Bank Mobile Banking :

Type of loan :
Allied Agricultural Term Loans

Eligibility :
a) Small homogenous groups consisting of 5-15 members of small, marginal and tenant farmers formed with rural women afresh as PALAMITRA DAIRY VIKAS SCHEME GROUP
b) Existing SHGs with good track record.
c) Group with a minimum thrift of Rs 100 per month per member.
d) In a village where milk collection centre and Veterinary extension service within radius of 5 KM is available.
e) The Group should own 2-5 acres land and willing to raise green fodder on collective basis.

Quality of Animals :
Only Graded Buffaloes are to be purchased preferably with one calving.
A Unit of 3 graded murrah buffaloes with cost range of Rs 14400 to Rs 19200 for each animal with milk yield of 6 to 8 Liters per day to be given.

Tie up arrangement: The Group shall enter in to tie up with milk processing Unit.
Loan amount :
Not exceeding Rs 60000/- per member in a group and aggregate group loan limit should not be more than Rs 9.00 Lakhs.
Disbursements : Stage wise disbursements

Individuals: See interest rates on loans and advances
Group Model: As applicable to SHGs
Processing fee : See service charges

Repayment :
60 monthly instalments. Recovery is to be insisted through issue of cheques by milk processing units
Security :
Hypothecation of animals, lien on group corpus. In case of loan limit exceeding Rs 5 Lakhs, a collateral security of land by way of mortgage is to be obtained.

Papers / Documents required :
a) Loan application and Bank’s appraisal
b) Micro Credit Plan prepared by the Group
c) Appraisal format for PMDVS group financing
d) Inter-se agreement.
e) Articles of agreement
f) Arrangement letter
g) Undertaking letter of the Group
h) Undertaking letter of the Company

Insurance :
Coverage of buffaloes under live stock insurance scheme

Deposit products offered by APGVB :
We, as a Regional Rural Bank, are strive to fulfill the dreams of masses and dedicated to serve whatever your needs – an investment of your surplus funds or to create a fund for your children’s’ education and marriage.

You will find a product from APGVB that suits your requirement, delivered at a branch close to you. Open an account with any of our branches, all of them are working on CBS platform, and realize the advantage of our personalized services.

Place funds in Minor Saving Scheme, an account which is dedicated to minor children and comes with a unique break-up facility which provides you full liquidity as well as benefits of higher rates of returns, through your children’s savings bank account.

About Us :
By amalgamation, on the 31st March 2006, of the following 5 banks, sponsored by SBI, to participate more energetically, with synergy, in the uplift and development of Rural Farm Sector and Rural Non-Farm Sector, with emphasis on the deprived, the Rural Poor, Rural ISB and Rural Crafts.

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