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IHHL Application Status Procedure :

How to install the app :
a. Please go to official website and click on Download IHHL Status App for Citizens. If you have downloaded the APK on a computer, then you need to transfer it to your Smartphone using USB cable. Once you have the APK on your mobile, you need to install it.

Related : Ministry of Urban Development Swachhalaya Mobile App :

b. Make sure that the first selection, Unknown Sources, is checked (on some phones, this might be under Settings->Security). This is to allow you to download an application that is not part of the Android market.

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c. Once the installation is done, you can use the application. Starting the application

To start the IHHL Application Status application, follow the steps given below:
a. Click on IHHL Status icon in application menu.
1. Click on drop down field to select state if you want to check IHHL Application status.

2. Enter Application ID to check status of the application for selected state and press submit button.
3. Status of IHHL application would be displayed along with applicant name.
4. If you enter wrong Application ID or select wrong State then you will get error message.

Verification Process :
Logging into the Application To Log in to the IHHL Verifier application and use the features provided in it, follow the steps given below :
a. Start the IHHL Verifier application.
b. After the Login page is displayed, enter valid verifier Login ID and press ‘Submit’ button.

c. If login ID is valid, then application would ask you to enter the OTP Number (Credential provided to Verifier level for login on

d. User would have received the OTP Number by SMS on phone (Registered mobile number) and Email (Registered email). Enter the received OTP number press submit button.

e. If the user has entered OTP number correctly than ‘Login Successful’ message would be displayed and ULB Name and Ward list would be displayed in the Dash Board.

f. If the user has entered Application ID against the ward name and verification type Constructed toilet photo correctly than show status message.
g. If the user has entered Application ID against the ward name and verification type Application Verification correctly than show status message.

h. If user not got message toilet photo uploaded or Re-Applied then details show constructed toilet information against application id. Upon clicking constructed toilet photo, user can see zoomed constructed toilet photo.

i. If user want to verify constructed toilet photo against the application id than press verify button.

j. If user want to reject constructed toilet photo against the application id than enter remark field then after click on ok option to reject constructed toilet photo.

k. If user not got message toilet photo uploaded or Re-Applied then details show application verification information against application id and avail bulk construction NO. Upon clicking application verification, user can see zoomed bank passbook scan photo.

l. If user want to verify application against the application id than press verify button (Remark field not mandatory).
m. If user wants to reject application against the application id than enter remark field then after click on ok options.

n. If user not got message toilet photo uploaded or Re-Applied then details show application verification information against application id and avail bulk construction YES.

o. If user want to verify application against the application id than press verify button and bulk construction account details will be filled it. (IFSC code, Account number and Account holder name are mandatory and Remark field not mandatory).

p. If user wants to reject application against the application id than enter remark field then after click on ok options

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  1. How can I check application status? Please help me.

    1. To start the IHHL Application Status application, follow the steps given below:
      a. Click on IHHL Status icon in application menu.
      1. Click on drop down field to select state if you want to check IHHL Application status.
      2. Enter Application ID to check status of the application for selected state and press submit button.
      3. Status of IHHL application would be displayed along with applicant name.
      4. If you enter wrong Application ID or select wrong State then you will get error message.

      Information as provided in the official website of Ministry of Urban Development.

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