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Organisation : National Tracking System for Missing & Vulnerable Children
Facility : Online Registration of Child Care Institution
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Registration of Child Care Institutions

Enter the following details for Registration,
1. Select Management Type * NGO Run or Govt. Run
Organization Details :

Related : National Tracking System Check Status of Your Complain of a Missing Child :

2. Enter Name*
3. Enter NITI Aayog ID * YES or No
4. Select State*
5. Select District*

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CEO/Director Details :
6. Enter Name*
7. Enter Email ID*
8. Enter Mobile No.* +91

Applicant Details :
9. Enter Name*
10. Enter Aadhaar Number*
11. Enter Email ID*

12. Enter Mobile Number * +91
12. Choose Your Password*
13. Retype Your Password*

Application Status

1. Enter Application No
2. Enter Security Code

What You Can Do To Protect Your Child :
Children are our Nation’s most precious resource, but as children, they often lack the skills to protect themselves. It is our responsibility, as parents and responsible citizens, to safeguard children and to teach them the skills to be safe.

This documet is designed to help you talk to your children about how to protect themselves against abduction and exploitation.

It is divided into several sections :
** How To Talk To Your Child (Tips For Discussing Child Safety)
** What You Can Do To Help Your Child (Tips For Parents To Help Their Children Stay Safe)
** What Your Child Can Do (The Rules For Younger Children)

** What Your Teen Can Do (The Rules For Older Children)
** What Your Child Can Do (At School And At Home)
** What To Do In An Emergency (Numbers To Call And Information To Collect)

** How To Keep Your Child Safe In Information Superhighway (Golden Rules For Safe Browsing)
** Additional Resources For Parents And Children

Every home and school should teach children about safety and protection measures. As a parent, you should take an active interest in your children and listen to them.

Teach your children that they can be assertive in order to protect themselves against abduction and exploitation.

And most importantly, make your home a place of trust and support that fulfills your child’s needs. Together we can protect our future generation by teaching them to be smart, strong, and safe.

About Us :
Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India with the technical help of National Informatics Centre, Govt. of India has launched the software of “Online Registration of CCIs” under ‘TrackChild’.

The system provides an online interface for various organizations to register for setting up of new CCIs. The States/UTs Governments will also be able to view of such requests and contribute in the workflow by updating the reports of physical inspection before granting of Registration Certificate online.

They will also be able to revoke the certificate using this online facility. Track Child portal has been designed and developed adhering to the guidelines provided in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Model Rules 2007 and the provisions laid down in the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS).

Features of National Tracking System

The key features and components of a National Tracking System for Missing Children may include:

A centralized and secure database that contains detailed information about missing children, including their photographs, physical descriptions, personal details, and any relevant circumstances surrounding their disappearance.

Reporting and Alert Mechanisms:
A user-friendly reporting mechanism for parents, guardians, or concerned individuals to report a missing child. Additionally, the system can generate alerts and notifications through various channels, such as SMS, email, social media, and electronic billboards, to disseminate information quickly to the public, law enforcement agencies, schools, and other relevant organizations.

Collaboration and Information Sharing:
The system enables seamless collaboration and information sharing among law enforcement agencies, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders involved in missing children cases. It allows for the exchange of information, updates, and leads in real-time, improving the chances of locating missing children.

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