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Organisation : Supreme Court of India
Facility : Check Case Status
Applicable For : All India
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Check Case Status :

You can check the Case Status by following methods,

Related : SCI e-Visitor Online Registration & Check Status :

** Enter Diary Number
** Enter Case Number

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** Enter Party Name
** Enter Advocate
** Enter High Court Number
** Enter Filing Defects

I. Diary Number :
1. Enter the Diary Number
2. Select the Year
3. Click on the Show button

II. Case Number :
1. Enter the Case Type
2. Enter the Number
3. Select Year
4. Click on the Show button

III. Party Name :
1. Enter Pet./Res.
2. Enter Party’s Name
3. Select Year
4. Select Case Type
5. Check Status

IV. Advocate :
1. Enter Pet./Res.
2. Enter Advocate’s Name
3. Select Year
4. Select Case Type
5. Check Status

V. High Court Number :
1. Select State
2. Enter High Court Number
3. Select Year
4. Enter Date of Judgement
5. Check Status

VI. Filing Defects :
1. Enter Diary No.
2. Select Year
3. Check Status

Note :
While announcing a new initiative we welcome you to the new website of the Supreme Court of India ( /

We intend to provide a dynamic, responsive website – a portal to disseminate real time complete information about the cases to be progressively updated, to all the stakeholders in the Indian Judiciary.

A web based access is provided in relation to pending and disposed off cases including tracking of the cases 24X7. We look forward for your continuous support. Any suggestions at your end shall be welcome.

Once again we welcome you to the new Website of the Supreme Court of India which has been developed in house, with a hope to provide easy access to justice, to one and all.

FAQs :
1. When will the applications for urgent hearings be listed before the Hon’ble Court?
At present, urgent hearing applications are being filed in large number. Therefore, all such applications cannot be listed at the same time before the Hon‟ble Court.

These applications will be listed before the Hon‟ble Court in suitable numbers each day, as per their seniority. Listing of such cases will be done as early as possible. However, in most urgent case, parties may mention the application before the Hon‟ble Court.

2. When and how will the “Not Reached/Not taken up” cases be listed?
Except bail matters, “not reached/not taken up” cases pertaining to fresh category (admission matters) will be listed in the following week. The bail matters will however be listed after one day.

Not reached/not taken up (after notice) matters will be listed after six weeks from the date of listing. In case of urgency, it will be open to the parties to mention the matter before the Hon’ble Court for urgent listing or preponing the date generated by the Computer as per the above logic.

3. How bail application of different accused persons in same crime number of a Police Station will be listed before Hon’ble Court under the new scheme?
Bail applications filed by different accused persons in the same crime number registered at the same Police Station will be listed before the same Hon‟ble Judge, who heard the first bail application in that crime number, subject to availability of the Hon‟ble Judge.

4. Why Review Petitions tied up to a particular Hon’ble Judge are being listed before another Bench.
Ordinarily, Review Petition are tied up to the Bench who had decided the main case. But due to incorrect updation or human error the Review may get listed before another Bench.

In such a case the parties may immediately invite attention of the Registrar(J-I) for taking corrective steps before the date of hearing.

About Us :
Supreme Court of India came into existence on 26th January, 1950 and is located on Tilak Marg, New Delhi. The Supreme Court of India functioned from the Parliament House till it moved to the present building.

It has a 27.6 metre high dome and a spacious colonnaded verandah. For a peek inside, you’ll have to obtain a visitor’s pass from the front office. On the 28th of January, 1950, two days after India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic, the Supreme Court came into being.

The inauguration took place in the Chamber of Princes in the Parliament building which also housed India’s Parliament, consisting of the Council of States and the House of the People

Contact Us :
The Registrar,
Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110201

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