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Organization : Community Managed Micro Insurance Telangana
Facility : Policy/ Claim Search
Applicable State : Telangana

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Related : Abhaya Hastham Indira Kranthi Patham Pension & Insurance Scheme For SHG Women :

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Genesis of Micro Insurance for the Self Help Group Members :
Udayasree –a Self Managed Community Based Micro-Insurance Interventions” Viainagaram :
In fact Micro- Insurance for the SHG women sprouted in Vizianagaram District for the first time.

In the Year 2003 –04 Zilla Samakhya initiated this innovation under the banner of ‘Udayasree’ which came out as the risk mitigation mechanism to protect the rural poor women in case of a sudden demise of SHG members which is happening very frequently as noticed by the members.

Abaya – Change In The Life – From Unsecured To Secured” Chittoor Model :
In the year, 2005, in one of the meetings of Zilla Samakhya Executive Body, the President of Mandal Samakhya Ramsamudram Smt. Alivelu raised the issue of death of one of the V.O. leader in her Mandal Samakhya and how the deceased VO leader’s family suffered a lot.

About Us :
Need :
It is gauged that more than 250 poor people who are the head or bread winners of the SHG members’ families are dying every day in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Eventually, the rural poor families face enormous problems, if they lose their bread winner due to untimely death. The loss of head or bread winner leaves the family in a shudder to fight for survival. Moreover, the family comes under sever stress and shock, both psychological and economic. As an upshot the households end up in a disastrous situation and is flung into irrecoverable abject poverty

Vision :
The Self Help Groups and their federations envision that even the poorest of the poor, including the landless agricultural laborers, deserve an access to relevant and affordable insurance and social security nets by massification and be protected from risks on death/disability and to secure a dignified life to SHG women by providing income security in their old age and to provide financial support for their children for continuation of education by means of scholarships.

Mission :
Is to empower the Self Help Groups and the Community Based Organization (CBOs) to play an active role in the implementation of social security interventions, to reduce people’s vulnerabilities through diversified social security measures to protect their income and asset base, by creating an enabling environment for self management by the community itself with appropriate project facilitation.

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