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Delhi Police Report of Article/ Document Lost

Organization : Delhi Police
Facility : Police Report of Article/ Document Lost
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How To Search Delhi Police Report of Article?

You can search Delhi Police Report of Article/ Document Lost by LR and Registered Email ID

Delhi Police Related / Similar Services :
1. Apply For Police Clearance Certificate

2. Guidelines For Passport Verification

3. Registration of Senior Citizen

4. Apply Online for CVR

5. Online Complaint Lodging System

6. View Complaint Status

7. Stolen, Unclaimed Vehicle Search

8. Missing/Stolen Mobile Phone Search

** This application is for lodging report of Article/Document lost in Delhi.
** Report lodged under this application is not a subject matter for enquiry/investigation.
** In case loss is due to theft or any other crime, contact nearest Police Station.
** False report to Police is a punishable offence.

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FAQ On Delhi Police

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) On Delhi Police

Why this application has been developed :
Delhi Police has consistently been adopting new methodologies and technologies to enhance its service delivery capacity. Our endeavour has been to identify areas where newer means can help in reducing public inconvenience.

Lodging a police report about a lost document becomes indispensable where it is a prerequisite for reissue of the lost document e.g. a passport.

Such losses are very often detected by victims after a gap of time and even the exact place and time of loss may also not be known to them. In particular, persons travelling through Delhi or tourists rarely find it possible to go back to the place where the article or document may have been lost and lodge a report in the Police Station for getting a new document issued.

Therefore Delhi Police has decided to enable mobile and web based reporting of such lost/missing articles without the need to go to a police station. This report can be lodged from anywhere in the world and a printable digitally signed report is instantaneously sent in response to the complainant.

What is the significance of LR No :
The ‘LOST REPORT’ bears a unique Lost Report number (LR No) about the information lodged. This LR Number can be used for future search and retrieval of a copy of the report.

What types of complaints can be lodged- :
This service can be used to lodge a ‘LOST REPORT’ for any article/document lost in Delhi. A copies of such a police report is very often a prerequisite for obtaining a duplicate document or a new document. This can also prevent misuse of such lost document or article.

You have to take the following steps to get a soft copy of your Lost Report :
** Click on retrieve button.
** Then select the Lost Report you want to download.
** Enter your e-mail id, if you wish to receive your Lost Report copy on email.
** Click View button.
** The copy of your Lost Report will appear on the screen and if E-mail ID has been mentioned, a copy of lost report will be mailed simultaneously.

About Us :
Delhi has a long history of policing through the famed institution of the Kotwal. Malikul Umara Faqruddin is said to be thefirst Kotwal of Delhi. He became the Kotwal at the age of 40 in 1237 A.D. and was also simultaneously appointed as the Naibe-Ghibat (Regent in absence).

Because of his integrity and sagacity he had a very long tenure, holding thepost through the reigions of three Sultans Balban, Kaikobad and Kaikhusrau. Onone occasion when some Turkish nobles had approached him to secure the withdrawalof Balban’s order.

confiscating their estates, the Kotwal is recorded to havesaid, “My words will carry no weight if I accept any bribe from you. It ispresumed that the Kotwal, or Police Head quarters was then located at Qila RaiPithora or today’s Mehrauli.

Benefits of Delhi Police Report of Article

The Delhi Police Report of Article has several benefits. It can help to:
** Improve police accountability: The report can help to hold the police accountable for their actions by identifying areas where they are failing to meet the standards expected of them.
** Identify areas for improvement: The report can identify areas where the police need to improve their performance, such as training, resources, and procedures.
** Increase public confidence in the police: The report can help to increase public confidence in the police by demonstrating that they are committed to transparency and accountability.
** Reduce crime: The report can help to reduce crime by identifying and addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education.
** Improve community relations: The report can help to improve community relations by providing a forum for the police and the public to discuss issues of mutual concern.

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