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Organisation : Canara Bank
Service Name : CanMobile Registration
Applicable For : Canara Bank Account Holders
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
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CanMobile :

Pre- requisite : Smart Mobile with Internet connection and sending of SMS to be enabled, sufficient storage space, sufficient balance in case of prepaid Mobiles, ATM Card for Activation.

Related : Canara Bank Check Credit Card Statement Online :

1. Download/Install CanMobile from Google play store.
2. Mobile Banking Icon appears on the Mobile Screen.

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3. Application checks for Internet, if Connectivity is established
a. New Customer – Tap on New Registration and Register ( Steps for Registration )
** Register online by submitting the Mobile Number registered with the Account.
** Receive User ID and Default MPIN. – Login
** Accept Terms & Conditions.

** Application will be authenticated by auto fetching the OTP.
** Change MPIN
** Enter the ATM Card Credentials (Card Number, Expiry Date and PIN) and Activate.

** On receipt of “Mobile Banking services has been activated for User ID…..” message, login with the User ID and New MPIN.
** You can Personalize the Home Page with Photo of your choice.

b. Existing Active Customers – Download the New Version of the App. and continue to use.
c. Existing ‘Inactive Customers’ – Download the New Version of the App and Activate to use the Services. If User ID and MPIN are not available, obtain the same through relevant options.

Explore and enjoy the new Application and provide your valuable feedback in the App itself.

Steps for registration :
New Users :
Pre – Requisite :
** Smart Mobiles -The Application is meant for Smart Phones.
** Mobile Data should be enabled in the handset
** Sufficient storage space should be available in the Handset

** Mobile number proposed to be used for Mobile Banking should be the Mobile Number which is updated in the Account in CBS. The Registered Mobile Number should be used for a Single Customer ID only.

If same Mobile Number is used for Multiple Customer IDs say for eg. Same Mobile Number is updated in the Account of Father and Children – System will throw Error & Registration will not be available.

** The ATM card which is linked to the Account for which the customer is registering for Mobile Banking should be kept ready for activation.

** The Registered Mobile Number SIM should be in the Master slot i.e. First Slot of the Handset. Else, for ease of Registration, the unregistered SIM may be removed from the Slot so that the Mobile will have only one SIM i.e. the Registered SIM.

** In case of Prepaid Mobile Numbers, sufficient balance should be available to complete the Registration Process.
** Sending of SMS Message should be enabled for the Registered Mobile Number.

Step by Step Process :

Step Information/Action Display/Response Remarks
1 Go to Google play store(Where all Apps are available for download). Play Store Home page
2 Under Apps (App is an Application for eg. CanMobile, E-Info Book etc) , search for CanMobile. Can Mobile App display with all information
3 Tap on Install/Update to Install the New Application.

App starts downloading.

Wait for a few seconds.
4 Mobile Banking Iconappears on the Mobile Screen. Tap on icon to open the Application
5 Splash Screen appears and the Application checks for internet connectivity – Activity Indicator will be rotating. If internet connectivity is available App redirects to Login Page. Else, displays error message “Check the Internet Connectivity”. If Error Message is displayed, ensure Internet is available and then try again.
6 Tap on “New Registration” link on the Right Side of the Screen. App Will be redirected to New Registration Page
7 Input the Registered Mobile Number and Tap on Submit button USER ID and DEFAULT MPIN will be received through SMS. User ID is Apha Numeric ie. 3 alphabets + 3 Numbers eg. abc123. MPIN is 6 Digit Number eg. 235467.

Note down the User Id and MPIN.

8 Login with User ID and Default MPIN i.e. Enter the User ID and Default MPIN received in Step 7. Tap on Login button to start registration process
9 You will be directed to Terms & Conditions Page. You may read the Terms & Conditions by clicking on the Link. Tap on “Accept” to accept the Terms & Conditions. Tapping on Terms & Conditions link will open the Terms & Conditions displayed in Mobile Browser.
10 The Handset will be validated by the Application and OTP i.e. One Time Password will be received through SMS and automatically updated in the Application. Tap on OK button once Mobile number is verified.

Application Authenticated Successfully message will be displayed.

In case OTP is not automatically updated in the Application, the OTP page would be displayed, kindly Enter the OTP and Tap on Submit button.


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