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Organisation : Uttar Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation
Service Name : Online Payment of Luxury Tax Registration
Applicable States/ UTs : Uttar Pradesh
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How To Register For Luxury Tax Online Payment?

Follow the below steps to Register For Uttar Pradesh Tourism Luxury Tax Online Payment

Related / Similar Facility : Uttar Pradesh Tourism Tracking of Online Luxury Tax Registration Request

** For Pay with Registration you have to register yourself on the site.
** Click on the New Registration link on the site main page.
** Registration Form will look like this below.
** Fill the required field on the form and click on Save button to register yourself on the site.
** After registering yourself on the site goto main page of the site click Login link to log on yourself on the site.
** Login with your login id and password, this will show a log on depositor main window.

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Pay Challan :
** This menu is for paying the challan using e-Payment or Pay Across Bank Counter options.
** This will open a window same as in the pay without registration.
** Use the same process described in Pay Without Registration.

Verify Challan :
** This menu is for to verify the status of the trasacted challan done before but not fully completed.
Search Challan :
** This menu is for to show you the challan detail with the provided info.

How To Print Challan?

** This menu is for to reprint the existing challans.
** Select the department under which you have to reprint the challan.
** List of challans will be shown to you. Select the appropriate challan number to print.

Change Password :
** This menu is for to change the current password to new password
Log out :
This menu is to log out from your account.

Forgot Password Recovery :
** Incase you forgot your Password or User Name click on forgot password link.
** Provide user name or email-id and also provide the answer of security question that you filled at the time of registration.

** After clicking submit button, this will send a reset url to your mailing address.
** This url is valid for only one hour after that this url did not work.

Registration Form :
Please enter the following details,
Contact Information :
1. Enter Full Name (Max 75) *
2. Select Division *
3. Select Treasury *
4. Enter Town/City/Area/Locality *
5. Enter Road/Street/Post Office *
6. Enter Premises/Building/Village *
7. Enter Flat/Door/Bloack No. *
8. Enter PIN *
9. Enter Contact No. (Landline)
10. Enter STD
11.Enter Phone
12. Enter Mobile No.
13. Enter Email-Id *
14. Enter Alternate Email-Id
15. Enter PAN / TAN / TIN *

Personnel Information :
16. Enter User Name *
17. Enter Password *
18. Re-enter Password *
19. Enter Security Question *
20. Enter Answer *
21. Enter Captcha Verification *
22. Click on the Save button
Note : * Marked Fields are Compulsory

FAQ On UP Rajkosh

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On UP Rajkosh

1. About U.P. Rajkosh Website ?
U.P. Rajkosh Website is an on-line application to deposit all type of Uttar Pradesh State government receipts

2. Who can use this website ?
Any user, who has to deposit government receipts, can use this facility. The user may be single person, name of association,entity, government/semi government units, departments etc.

3. What type of users count to website ?
To facility this website, there are two types of users namely-
1. Non Registered users
2. Registered users

4. Why should I register ?
1. Ease of operation and convenience
2. Facility is available on 24×7 basis
3. One can deposit on behalf of the firm, company and others

4. On-line payment of taxes (No more queues and waiting)
5. On-line Filling of single challan form minimum fields of the challan need to be filled. Most of the fields are populated automatically.

Benefits of Uttar Pradesh Luxury Tax Registration

Luxury tax is a tax levied on goods and services that are considered to be luxurious. The tax is collected by the government and is used to fund a variety of public services. In Uttar Pradesh, luxury tax is registered with the Commissioner of State Tax (CST). The CST is responsible for administering the luxury tax law in Uttar Pradesh.

There are a number of benefits to registering for luxury tax in Uttar Pradesh. These benefits include:
** Legal protection: Registration for luxury tax provides legal protection to businesses that sell luxury goods and services. This protection is important because it helps to ensure that businesses are not subject to unfair competition from businesses that do not register for luxury tax.
** Reduced risk of penalties: Businesses that register for luxury tax are less likely to be penalized by the government. This is because registration shows that the business is complying with the law.
** Increased compliance: Registration for luxury tax helps to increase compliance with the law. This is because it makes it more difficult for businesses to avoid paying luxury tax.
** Improved customer service: Registration for luxury tax can help businesses to improve their customer service. This is because it can help businesses to provide customers with accurate information about the luxury tax that is applicable to their goods and services.

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