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Organization : Central Board of Excise & Customs
Service Name : Draft Transfer/Placement Guidelines For Indian Revenue Service
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CBEC Draft Transfer/Placement Guidelines

Salient Features Of Transfer/Placement Guidelines For Indian Revenue Service (C&Ce) Officers

Related : Central Board of Excise & Customs Filing Of GST Return :


The existing transfer policy which came into effect from 01.04.2005 has become complex owing to numerous amendments which have been carried out over the years.

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The Cadre Restructuring implemented in 2014 and subsequently restructuring of Zones/Directorates in 2017 due to implementation of GST has also necessitated a review of the transfer/Placement guidelines. The views of all concerned were obtained which were then consolidated to draft a new Transfer Guidelines. These guidelines will be applicable to all transfers and postings w.e.f. date of issue.

Transfer/Placement Guidelines

The salient features of these Transfer/Placement Guidelines are as follows :
2.1.1 All transfers and postings of Group ‘A’ officers of IRS (C&CE), shall be carried out by the Board / Placement Committee, provisions of which are mentioned in Para 3.

2.1.2 The States in the country have been divided into 11 ‘Regions’ as per Annexure-A and tenure of stay in a particular Region has been prescribed.

2.1.3 All stations have been categorized in three classes, viz., A, B and C as per Annexure B; and tenure of stay in those classes of Stations has also been prescribed. The categorization is based on the criteria of number of Commissioner level posts at a station. In addition, all state capitals other than 7 metros and other than those in North Eastern Region and Jammu & Kashmir have been classified as ‘B’ stations even if they are not eligible under the criteria. The categorization of Stations may be changed by the Board with the approval of the Government.

2.1.4 All posts have been divided into two categories, namely Sensitive and Non-Sensitive as per Annexure C and guidelines for posting thereto have been prescribed. For abundant clarity, all postings are also classified as “Field” and “Non field” and “Countable” – “Non-Countable”. All posts, stay in which are included in counting of tenure, are considered as “Field postings”.

2.1.5 An officer, on promotion, is liable for transfer out of station. Grant of STS / NFSG shall not be treated as promotion for this purpose.
2.1.6 Guidelines for dealing with different types of “compassionate grounds” cases have been laid down.

2.1.7 The Provisions of the Transfer/Placement Guidelines shall not be applicable to the transfer of Principal Chief Commissioners / Principal Directors General, Chief Commissioners / Directors General and Principal Commissioners / Principal Additional Directors General {except para 3.1.1(a)} unless otherwise specified

Placement Committee

3.1.1 Role of the Placement Committee at Board level :
All the transfers and postings of the officers shall be approved by the Board/Placement Committee, which shall be the final authority for transfers/ postings of officers.

a) The Board will recommend proposals for posting of Principal Chief Commissioners/ Principal Directors General/ Chief Commissioners / Directors General for approval of the Government i.e. Finance Minister directly through Revenue Secretary. Joint Secretary(Admn.) / Commissioner (Admn.), CBEC will serve as Secretary to the Board for this purpose.

b) All the transfers and postings of the officers of the rank of Deputy / Assistant Commissioner shall be done by the Chairman, CBEC. Any deviation from the guidelines will need approval of the MOS (R).

c) Any deviation from the transfer guidelines in the case of officers of the rank of Commissioner and above shall be carried out with the prior approval of the Finance Minister.

3.1.2 Constitution of Placement Committee at Board Level :
The Placement Committee at Board level for transfer and placement shall consist of the following :
a) Chairman CBEC;
b) Member (Admn.), CBEC;
c) One Member of CBEC (Member retiring first) to be nominated, in rotation, by the Chairman of the Board for a period of six months;
e) Joint Secretary (Admn.) /Commissioner (Admn.) posted in CBEC shall serve as Secretary to the Board / Placement Committee.
Officers of DGHRD shall service the Placement Committee in its meetings. Secretarial functions can be defined by the Chairman later on.

3.2 Placement Committee At Field Level  :
3.2.1 For the purpose of subsequent placement of the officers of the level of Additional Commissioner and below posts after transfer as well as for rotation of officers among Customs, GST & Central Excise formations, a Committee of all Principal Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners of Customs, GST & Central Excise at that station shall collectively decide the rotation of officers among aforesaid formations. At stations where there is only one jurisdictional Principal Chief Commissioner / Chief Commissioner, local rotation at that station shall be carried out by the jurisdictional Principal Chief Commissioner / Chief Commissioner.

Policy For Placement Of Different Grade Of Officers

4.1 In case of Principal Chief Commissioner / Chief Commissioner / Principal Commissioner and Commissioner Grade officers, the Board / Placement Committee, as the case may be, shall recommend both the station of posting and the specific charge.

4.2 Officers below the rank of Commissioner shall be placed at the disposal of the Principal Chief Commissioner/ Chief Commissioner concerned for further deployment under their respective charge, who shall follow the provisions of these Transfer/Placement Guidelines mutatis mutandis for such further deployment of these officers.

Tenure Of Posting

Cutoff Date

The cutoff date for counting of tenure for Transfer shall be 31st March of the year. Stay of more than nine months at a station / Region (to be computed as on 31st December of the previous year) shall be treated as a complete year for the purpose of Transfer. The length of the period of stay at a station or Region shall be counted from the date of joining.

Region Tenure

The states in the country have been divided into 11 Regions (Annexure A). An officer shall not serve in a “Region”, with or without break to other Region, for more than 14 years in field postings during his/her career up to and including the rank of Commissioner.

Station Tenure

5.3.1 An officer, up to and including the rank of Commissioner, shall not serve in a field posting in a particular ‘A’ category station, with or without break to other station, for more than 8 years. The total tenure of an officer in all “A” Stations (combined, with or without break to other station), during his entire tenure up to and including the rank of Commissioner, shall not exceed 16 years (in field postings, with or without break to other station).

However, the length of stay of an officer in one or more “A” stations continuously, without posting in a “B” or “C” Station, shall not exceed 14 years. For this purpose, posting to B or C stations which is less than 2 years between one A station to another A station shall not be treated as break and the officer shall be treated as worked in A station.

5.3.2 The tenure shall not be less than four years in a Class “B” station and not less than two years in a Class “C” station.

5.3.3 The starting point for computing the stay in a Region/ Class ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ station shall be the date of joining at the station / Region.

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